Becky and I were watching the grands last Sunday night while their parents were out of town. We had planned on going to Mom's on Memorial Day so Becky had told me to go on home and sleep so I could be fresh for the trip and she would just sleep there until the kids got home. It was about 10 p.m. when I got up to leave when my little Hayden said with a worried look on his face, " You can't leave. Mommy and Daddy are not home yet." I had to convince him he wasn't going to be alone that his MeMe was going to stay there until they got home. Finally he understood and kissed me good night and told me bye.
Down deep inside he knew that his protectors were not at home and he thought both of us were leaving. His words still ring in my ear this morning, "You can't leave yet."
How many people are faced with the choice of leaving or staying everyday. Even some who hear the words, "You can't leave yet" still walk out the door without remorse. That's why it's good to remember that a choice is such a powerful thing. It can touch a heart and it can change a life. It can bring us closer to God and make Heaven smile or it can bring heartache and despair in the lives of others it affects. Each day we are given a thousand choices. May you make all of yours for kindness. May you make your whole life a choice for love, joy, and God.
Just realize your choice makes a difference in somebody else's life as well. It just might be the one that cries, "You can't leave yet!"
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