To Pastors:
-Spend the time you should taking care of your church and stay out of other churches business in your area.
-When you leave a church for another then LEAVE that church. You are not married to it, it's not a part of your family, you are not the authority there leave it alone. Give the new pastor a chance. If he grows it or tears it up-it's none of your business. Pray for him and pray for the church, but leave it alone.
-When disgruntled members from other churches come in love them, but don't listen to garbage about a brother in Christ. Remember that out of the same mouth that speaks good can also come condemnation.
-Recognize there are some people you can help and there some you can't. Don't loose your mind over the ones you can't. Help the ones you can and leave the rest up to the Lord.
He's in control of it anyway.
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