-Learn to cherish your history and heritage. You may be able to multi-task, tweet, and text, but if you don't listen and learn from your history and heritage one day you may regret it. Don't make the mistakes your parents made, but learn where you came from and the things that worked before. Guess what-they still might work today!
-Respect yourself and others. If you don't respect yourself you will never learn to respect others. Respecting yourself means that you care about the impressions you leave on others and how others treat you. You are a reflection of who and what you are by your words, dress, and actions. Just don't use your age to mess it up.
-Develop a good work ethic. There is no such thing as a free ride in America today. Don't play the race card, the lack of effort card, or the world owes me something card. You become what you desire to be by working hard and being honestly. Don't lie to yourself and refuse to change. Expect better and strive for it.
-Accept the word commitment as a good word. If you set a goal don't quit until you reach it. Understand that if you are responsible enough to do adult things you must accept responsibility for them and hold up your end of the bargin. The word disposible is not to be used when speaking about marriage, children, or relationships.
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