Welcome to the blog of Pastor Alton Stone, from Simpsonville, SC. Pastor Stone is a retired Ordained Bishop of The Church of God, Cleveland, Tennessee with over 45 years of pastoral ministry.

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Breakthrough 2015-Today is not the last day, it's just the beginning

Although this is the last day of our 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting, I believe it is just the beginning for what God wants to do in the midst of His people. This year has been earmarked by the Lord to do something special in the church and it's my desire to be a part of it.

My life has been blessed in so many ways I cannot describe them with mortal words, but I will make an attempt. I have been blessed with a wonderful family that I love and adore in more ways than they can imagine. My wife of almost 44 years, a son, who has grown to be my best friend and critic (in a good way), a daughter-in-law that is as loving a wife and mother as she is beautiful, two granddaughters that are talented and lovely, and two grandsons that will be heartbreakers as they get older. My mom still is and dad was (who's in heaven now) such an example to me as pastors and leaders all my life. All of my family is special to me. These are wonderful blessings to be thankful for today.

Life does go on. As we get older God is constantly raising up new generations. It won't be long before Hannah and Gracie graduate and move on with their lives. Hayden and Gannon will soon be 7 and 2 and that's when the fun really begins (LOL)! My nephew and his wife are expecting a baby soon, and my other niece is getting married in just a few weeks. Time doesn't stop for anybody, but neither do the breakthroughs of God.

We often hear it preached concerning family curses or curses on a generation that have come from past sins or troubles. But I declare today on this last day of  TRCOG 21 days of Prayer and Fasting that instead of curses God is going to allow Breakthroughs in our households and break the hold the enemy has had on us. He cannot win, will not win, and can be defeated because God is on our side.

Psalm 21:1-4 "The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? When the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes, came upon me to eat up my flesh, they stumbled and fell. Though an host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear: though war should rise against me, in this will I be confident. One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to enquire in his temple."

Deuteronomy 30:18-20 "I denounce unto you this day, that ye shall surely perish, and that ye shall not prolong your days upon the land, whither thou passest over Jordan to go to possess it. I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live: That thou mayest love the Lord thy God, and that thou mayest obey his voice, and that thou mayest cleave unto him: for he is thy life, and the length of thy days: that thou mayest dwell in the land which the Lord sware unto thy fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give them."

So folks, today does not end breakthrough, but I believe it opens the passage way to breakthrough. Jesus stands at the door and knocks. Will you let Him in?

Revelation 3:20 "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me."

Friday, January 30, 2015

Breakthrough 2015-Breakthroughs Come Forth!

John 11:43 "And when he thus had spoken, he cried with a loud voice, Lazarus, come forth."

Lazarus was dead. So dead in fact that the Bible says they said to Jesus, "He stinketh by now." But Jesus would hear nothing of it and with a calm yet commanding voice called for Lazarus to come back from the dead and he did. In fact Jesus commanded that they loose him from the death clothes he had been wrapped in. A dead man came back to life because Jesus spoke life into his body once again.

Breakthroughs come when Jesus speaks life back into the body once again. The church is His body. We are members of His body. So when Jesus speaks life back into the body He is speaking to us directly and indirectly as well. My advise would be that we need to listen to what He has to say and be obedient.

He is speaking directly because He knows our visions and dreams. He also knows our strengths and weaknesses, victories and losses, and our triumphs and failures. He knows that many things have died within us that need to be revived and when He speaks to us directly He wants them to come back to life. For some joy has been replaced with sorrow, love with loss, dreams with nightmares, and hopes with helplessness. So when He speaks directly to us it is to get our attention and to revive those things that have died, which can help us to receive a fresh anointing and a supernatural breakthrough again.

He is speaking indirectly to us also as the His body. If we are in the church, then we are a part of the body of Christ. We can't deny that fact, but man, we sure can lose what God wants us to have because we fail to allow breakthroughs to come in our midst. Most churches need a breakthrough as much as the pastor or the members of that congregation do. Some are caught up in following the traditions of men more than they are the glory of God. Some are dead to the moving of the Spirit because they are so programed that services have to go one way only. Even the Holy Ghost is limited in some churches because people want to get home at a certain time. Yet when God is speaking to us directly, He is also speaking to us indirectly as His church. He is saying, "I am coming for a church without spot, wrinkle, or blemish!"

How can a church be without spot, wrinkle, or blemish especially in our day?

-We can't unless we are obedient to the voice of God. Obedience is greater than sacrifice according to His Word.

-We can't unless we live as we are supposed to. We are weak and heavy laden, but God can help us present our bodies as a living sacrifice and He can renew our minds daily.

-We can't unless we recognize that without Him we are nothing. It is in Jesus we move, live, and have our being (existence).

So with the same commanding spirit Jesus is saying to us directly and indirectly, "Upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." His emphasis today is to give us breakthroughs in our spiritual life, our mind, our finances, our homes, and in every avenue of our lives. Open up your spiritual ears and hear what the Spirit is saying about your breakthrough today.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Breakthrough 2015-Mud and Breakthrough

We say we want change or get a spiritual breakthrough until we realize that most often God's method for bringing that healing or change is not comfortable to us, but very challenging to say the least.
In John 9:1-7 Jesus spits in the mud and heals the blind man. It's a story that I believe has  great truth concerning breakthrough. It is also a story that provides us with the fact that Jesus works in His way our breakthroughs to perform.
When life is not going the way we like, how we would plan or causing struggle, we tend to blame someone or something else. We look for an explanation and a reason. That is human nature. We are trying to find out because we want to control life, and be sure we prevent things from happening.
Struggle, often, is not a matter of fault or reason. It has a much deeper and more meaningful purpose. It is in our struggle and trial we have the opportunity to see what God wants to do. It is a chance to ask, what potential is there for God to do something great. This is a perspective shift and it changes things.
Unfortunately, the way God works is most often not the way we would work, and, even more often God's ways are unorthodox and even uncomfortable. God wants to bring you through your struggle, He wants to see you triumph, but the manner in which He often does will make you uncomfortable in the beginning.
Have you ever noticed that just before your greatest breakthrough, life seems to get messier and more uncomfortable? How do you think the blind man felt when the Jesus spit enough saliva into the dust to make mud and then wiped it on his eyes? If we knew that was the method of choice, most of us would run away, b it was through that mess and discomfort that God brought healing.
I'm not sure what you're walking through. I am not sure how tough life has been for you, but don't run away from what God can do just because it is messy and unsavory. Don't let your comfort level keep you from God's healing and greatest blessings. Like the blind man, in time you will be able to wash away the mess and there is healing on the other side!

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Spiritual Breakthrough 2015-Step Out Of The Boat

Matthew 14:22-33 "Immediately Jesus made His disciples get into the boat and go before Him to the other side, while He sent the multitudes away. And when He had sent the multitudes away, He went up on the mountain by Himself to pray. Now when evening came, He was alone there. But the boat was now in the middle of the sea, tossed by the waves, for the wind was contrary. Now in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went to them, walking on the sea. And when the disciples saw Him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, “It is a ghost!” And they cried out for fear. But immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying, “Be of good cheer! It is I; do not be afraid.” And Peter answered Him and said, “Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water.” So He said, “Come.” And when Peter had come down out of the boat, he walked on the water to go to Jesus. But when he saw that the wind was boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink he cried out, saying, “Lord, save me!” And immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and caught him, and said to him, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?” And when they got into the boat, the wind ceased. Then those who were in the boat came and worshiped Him, saying, “Truly You are the Son of God.”
The breakthroughs that demonstrate who Jesus is are not just the ones he performs independently from his Church, but also the ones he does in us, with us and through us. When Peter saw Jesus do something, he wanted to do the same.
So Peter wanted to walk on water and Jesus let it happen, as he wanted us to understand that we are all called to the ministry of the miraculous. Stepping out of the boat is our story. It is who we are. We don’t want to stay in the boat. When we see what Jesus is doing, we want to be part of it. We are not to stay in the boat. We don’t stay in the safe zone. We get out of our comfort zone to be where Jesus is.
The boat represents many things. It represents the majority and what they are doing. But we have been called to be adventurous for God. We have been called to be innovators. The mentality of boat-sitters is that if people come to church on Sunday, that’s enough. The mentality in most of the western church is that only leaders have been called to minister and the rest can warm the pews. But we are all ministers! That is nothing short of a revolution. The additional job of those separated for fivefold ministry of being apostles, prophets, teachers, pastors and evangelists is to equip the rest to do the work of Jesus Christ.
It is boat mentality when we think that all we need to do is to attract people.  We try to attract people with great programs, great teaching and great music. And then someone else opens a more ‘attractive’ church down the road!
The Church has become a marketplace, as churches compete with their service offerings. But this is consumer Christianity. Sure, we don’t want to be repulsive but Jesus was willing to dismiss the crowds when they had become mere spectators.  We have an earthly church model. We do need to attract people to be able to send them to the mission field of America and the world, but our mission isn’t to build an entertainment zone for Christians.
Peter got it right. He wanted to go where Jesus was. And that is radical discipleship. A supernatural breakthrough creates a passion for radical discipleship, and we want to see every church member out of the boat, living in breakthrough for Jesus.
Yes, Peter sank. Many times when you step out of the boat you sink! Disciples aren’t perfect. But Peter sank only because he took his eyes off Jesus. So when your keep your eyes on Jesus you can walk on water and do the impossible.
God is saying to the church, "Step out of the ordinary into the extraordinary! Step out of an empty tradition into a living relationship with Christ! Dare to do things differently."
What is your boat? Often, you can step out of one boat and get onto another one. So easily, our accomplishment becomes our comfort. Remember, there is always one more step to take when walking on  the water with Jesus. You need obedience and faith to do that.  You need to know who you are. And you need to know that anyone who walks with Jesus will always get to the right destination.
This is all supernatural. It is natural to want to stay in the boat. But the wind will remain contrary as long as you stay in the boat. Peter sank. Like Peter, we are weak, frail, and fallible human beings. But the call has never been about us. It has always been about Jesus and about what he commands, and Jesus is inviting us to come and walk on water. He is declaring spiritual breakthrough. 





Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Brealthrough 2015-Continual Victory

Breakthroughs represent victory and victory is sweet to all that taste it; but one victory does not mean we have the victory at all times. One victory does not mean we will never face any more battles in life. Ours is a life of continuous faith and commitment to God which guarantees a life of breakthrough when we need it the most. 

Remember that just by conquering one obstacle doesn't mean you have conquered all life’s obstacles. When the children of Israel conquered the Red Sea that did not mean that they had conquered all the obstacles to the Promised Land. The mighty Jordan River was also waiting for them. So it is wrong to relax and slacken up just because you receive one breakthrough.

What brought about your breakthrough and miracle is what gives life to that breakthrough. Believers have a tendency to abandon the spiritual disciplines which brought about their breakthrough once they have received the breakthrough. The Shunamite woman received her miracle through showing hospitality to Elisha. The Shunamite woman rushed to Elisha when her son died because her breakthrough came through Elisha. If she had cut contact with Elisha she was going to lose her son for good. Therefore, child of God, do not abandon practicing what brought about your miracle and breakthrough.

Galatians 6:9, 10 says, "And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith."

Breakthrough means God is up to something in your life. It can only come when you keep on keeping on. There's no quitting time for your faith in good or bad season. Therefore, hold on to the things that brought you breakthrough. God will be pleased and so will you. 



Monday, January 26, 2015

Breakthrough 2015-Yesterday, Today, and Forever

Breakthrough cannot come into your life if you are focused on the events of yesterday or worried about what's going to happen tomorrow. Today is your day of breakthrough.  Hopefully this will help you understand:

-Yesterday is history. It’s done. Record it into your history book and close it.                               
It could have been the best day of your life. Remember it fondly but don’t live in the past. Instead, let your happy memories push you forward when times get tough. It could have been the worst day of your life. Although it might take some time to move on from any tragedies you faced yesterday, every day forward will get better. Yesterday you made decisions. They may now seem good, they may seem bad, but that was yesterday. If you stay positive, you can choose to make the best of your decision today. Yesterday cannot be changed. It is indeed too late to change the things you did in the past, but it’s not too late to change the things you’re planning to do today. Learn from your mistakes and act on what you’ve learned.

-Tomorrow is a mystery. 
It hasn’t happened yet, so don’t sweat the small things. Be kind to yourself; it has the power to make you happy. It depends on the choices you make today. Dream and start doing things to work toward that dream right now. It is not certain. Life can make a 180-degree change in less than a day, and we cannot control them. We can make plans, but plans change. Anticipate and remember that. It is an opportunity. If you did something great today, you have the opportunity tomorrow to create something better. If you did something that seems bad, you have the opportunity tomorrow to make it good. It's  your choice. It isn’t guaranteed; so don’t waste today worrying about what will happen then. Life’s too short to dwell on things that are uncertain.

-Today is a certain opportunity. 
You can use it to decide where you want to go in life. If you don’t love what you’re doing, use this opportunity to change something. It can be the first day of the rest of your life. Create new habits, surprise yourself, and put a smile on your own face by doing things you love. You can be better than you were yesterday. And you know you can be better than you were yesterday. You have the power to make great choices for your health, body and mind. You are strong enough today to remove yourself from negative people. You are strong enough, period. Today is your only chance to experience this present moment. It will never come again

Don’t beat yourself up for what has happened in the past. We’ve all made mistakes; it’s imperative to a successful life. Learn from yesterday by doing things today that have the power to make tomorrow great. I know you can.


Saturday, January 24, 2015

Breakthrough 2015-Uncharted Territory

Psalm 22:1 "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? why art thou so far from helping me, and from the words of my roaring?"

Have you ever found yourself in a place that you're not familiar with and wonder why you ended up there? It's not easy when you have tried to do right for as long as you can remember and then find yourself in that place. It is also very difficult to find your way out of that place because you don't know how you got there in the beginning. If you had made that decision or had gone in that direction it would be one thing, but when you have no reason why you're there and can't seem to find your way back home is another.

Breakthroughs are won and lost based on where we are in our relationship with God. Your relationship with God is just like it is with people. Sometimes you feel on top of the mountain and other times you feel alone in the valley. Some days it's great to be alive and then other days you wonder what's the use. In this topsy-turvy world we never know what a day will bring and it seems to get harder every day when you are believing and trusting God for a supernatural breakthrough.

David was in a place he did not want to be and it seemed to him that God was a million miles away. He couldn't understand why he seemed to be so far away from God and why God wouldn't change his circumstances immediately. Verse 16 says, "For dogs have compassed me: the assembly of the wicked have inclosed me: they pierced my hands and my feet." Folks, that's not a good place to be.

So how do you get out of that place you don't know how you ended up in?

-You must spiritually prepare yourself for whatever comes your way and wherever God allows you to face.
1 Peter 1:13 "Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ..."

-You must present your body and mind to God as His temple.
Romans 12:1, 2 "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."

-You must continue to expect Him to do wonders through faith regardless of where you are or what is going on in your life or mind.
Hebrews 11:8 "By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither he went."

-You must be obedient with what He has told you to do and not be afraid to do it.
Isaiah 41:10 "Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness."

God can touch you in the valley as well as when you're on the mountain. It all depends on the way that you look at things. Breakthroughs may not always be spectacular. Sometimes they start slowly and seem very small. But once they get started, you'll find yourself in a different place than you thought you were in. In fact, it won't seem as bad as you think and it will begin to change as God begins to move you from that place of unfamiliarity to the place He wants you to be.

Breakthrough 2015-Common Sense

What has happened to common sense in Christianity? Have we lost it, forgot it, or do we just ignore it?

If you look at the trends of church work today it is expected that we be like this church or that church if we are going to make it. I think I have lived through most of these trends. Dress styles have changed, music styles have changed, even worship styles have changed in the last 30 years. Folks, the only thing that hasn't changed is Jesus. He is still the same yesterday, today, and forever. But man, have we changed, and we have changed a lot! That's why we need to get back some good, old fashioned common sense.

Common sense tells us we are working for the same goals and reasons in the church today as our forefathers were 50 years ago. Yet we have often replaced common sense with our own desires to have it our way within the church. May I say to you in whatever denomination you are in we are not a part of the fast food industry. We are charged by the Lord to do things His way. What He desires, what He instructs, what He directs, and whatever He brings forth. All the music, all the preaching, even the altar services are to be conducted as He tells us, not because we want to be comfortable or have our input. It's not about us, but it is about Him and what He wants.

1 Corinthians 12:12-14 "For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ. For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit. For the body is not one member, but many."

Common sense tells us that we all have an important role to play in the church. From the saint to the sinner, from the talented to the untalented, from the outspoken to the intimidated, from the poor even unto the wealthy, each one fits into the body of Christ as one. Yes, there are many members, and many members mean there are many opinions, and opinions are okay unless they are expressed as fact. Jesus wants us to be singularly minded, but not like robots. He wants us to be focused on the same goals and promises of His Word. If not we are missing the main point of the main thing and the reason He has raised us up as His bride.

Common sense says that the church is here for some very simple reasons:
-The fellowship of believers.
-Evangelizing the lost.
-Learning the value and totality of the Word of God.
-Worship and praise of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Common sense says that if there is a hunger for these things then spiritual breakthrough will follow.
Matthew 5:6 "Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled."

Common sense says breakthrough comes when we allow Jesus to be Lord of Church one more time.
Ephesians 5:25-27 "Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish."

Isn't it time for some common sense in the church especially if you want a breakthrough? 

Friday, January 23, 2015

Breakthrough 2015-Tangents and Rants

We love our tangents in America. All week long I have heard about 11 footballs being one pound of air too low for NFL standards. People have even said that's why the Patriot's won the games over the Ravens and the Colts. It appears to me the better team just won both games.

However, we love our rants. We get on a mad and we keep running with it, hoping that if we make enough noise it will keep everyone focused on it until we get our justice or at least our day in the sun. It's sad that life in America has come to this. We get focused on something that means very little and make such a commotion that nobody really even cares if it's true or not. It sounds good, it makes us feel better, but it probably does more damage than it does good.

That's why breakthrough is stalled in so many churches today. We want control, we want power, and we want our way has become the rule of the day in most churches big or small. Instead of praying, "Lord, have your way", we try to find something out about someone or we state our opinion as fact and cause more junk than we every thought possible. Then we try and spend as much time as we can diverting people from realizing we started it in the first place.

It could be because you're a pound off. LOL! The whole sports media has been enslaved to one pound of air this week. Not two, but one pound. Stupid isn't it. You can't see air, you just know it's there. And honestly how can you tell if it's one pound too little. It would take a very unusual expert to do that. We have found out that all you need is somebody to tip somebody off or someone to spread gossip and now an amazing victory looks like a tainted game.

How many of us want a breakthrough, but we are one pound off from getting there because of something we've said or something we've done and like a steamroller it just keeps on going. Believe me, if you let the air out of something, somebody's going to say or do something that you can't even begin to imagine. People get hurt, spiritual lives get derailed, and churches suffer.

Mark 3:25 says, "And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand." The key to breakthrough is unity. We may not agree with everything that goes one, but we refuse to let our differences of opinion separate us from our main objective, which is growing the kingdom of God.

So friend, if you want breakthrough, don't ride your hobby horse or pout if you don't get your way. If you're not happy where you are in the Spirit, then move closer to Jesus. If you're not happy at the church you attend and are going to cause trouble, just pack up and go some where that you can be happy. Don't ride a tangent or rant, but seek God before you act or speak. If it causes division it isn't of God. Don't let that come between you and a breakthrough.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Breakthrough 2015-Time For A Change

Matthew 6:34 "Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof."

When things aren’t going well there’s a tendency to assume the future holds more of the same.  For some strange reason this doesn’t happen as much when things are going fine, but a laugh, a smile and a warm feeling are fleeting and we know it.  We take the good times at face value in the moment for all they’re worth, and then we let them go.  But when we’re depressed, struggling, or fearful, it’s easy to heap more pain on ourselves by assuming tomorrow will be exactly like today and there's no hope of changing it. 

Then your life begins it's journey in a circle.  If you don’t allow yourself to move past what happened, what was said, what was felt, you will look at your future through that same dirty lens, and nothing will be able to breach your circle of despair.  You will keep on justifying, reliving, and reigniting a perception that shouldn’t have existed in the first place. The devil will then try to use your present circumstances to stop God's future blessings. If your concentration is only on how much worse can it get rather than on how much God can make it better, breakthrough will never happen.

Life doesn't always go in a straight line.  There are two paths presented to us and we have to decide which one we will take.  Sometimes the pressure coming from our peers, family, work, and society in general is enough to make us feel completely broken inside or like we have chosen the wrong path.  If we don’t have the right job, relationship, lifestyle, and so forth, by a certain age then we assume our pattern of past failures or lack of blessings will never be broken; but that’s not true at all.  Life is meant to be a series of endings and new beginnings.  Sometimes it looks like a mess, but praise God it's a beautiful mess.  So whatever situation you’re in right now, just know that God can give you a breakthrough to change it. It’s up to you.  You just have to turn yourself around and believe God for something new to happen in your life. Your personal breakthrough is on the way!

So don't worry about how many times you've failed. Don't worry about how many times you have stumbled. Don't worry that things never seem to go your way. God is in control and just as the prophet said ready to do a new thing in your life.

Isaiah 43:19 "Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert."

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Breaktrhough 2015-5 Things to Remember

When you're seeking a supernatural breakthrough, usually all hell will break loose around you. You will be attacked in all areas of your life and people will do things to you that you never imagined. It's in these times you need to remember these 5 things to help get you through to breakthrough.

-What others say and do, and the opinions they have, are based entirely on their own self-reflection.
Don’t take other people’s negativity personally.  Most negative people behave negatively not just to you, but to everyone they interact with.  What they say and do is a projection of their own reality.  Even when a situation seems personal, even if someone insults you directly, it oftentimes has nothing to do with you but reflects the inadequacies of that individual . 

-True happiness is found when you stop comparing yourself to everyone else and what they want. 
Stop living for other people and their opinions.  Be true to yourself.  You are the only person God has placed in charge of your life.  The only question is: What do you want to do with the rest of it-Please others or please God? Sometimes they are both not the same.

-Your goal shouldn’t be to create a perfect life, but to live in an imperfect world with radical faith. 
To get up every morning and take a good look around in a way that takes nothing for granted.  Everything is extraordinary.  Every day is a gift.  Never treat life casually.  To be spiritual in any way is to be amazed in every way.  Breakthrough comes to those who are thankful for the life God has already given them.

-Expecting life to be wonderful all the time is like wanting to swim in an ocean in which waves only rise up and never come crashing down.
When you recognize that the rising and crashing waves are part of the exact same ocean, you are able to let go and be at peace with the reality of these ups and downs.  It becomes clear that life’s ups require life’s downs. Breakthrough could come when you're on the mountain or when you're down in the valley. It's clear we will truly face base in this life.

-Happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting something we don’t have, but of appreciating everything we do have
Stress thrives when your worry list is longer than your gratitude list.  Happiness thrives when your gratitude list is longer than your worry list.  So find something to be thankful for right now and grab hold of it. IT might be the key you need to open the door of breakthrough.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Breakthrough 2015-Unhindered Prayer

My prayer while I was walking early this morning was, "Lord. don't let bitterness or wrath toward my brethren keep my prayers from being answered." When was the last time you prayed and asked the Lord to make sure there was no bitterness or anger in your life?

In a world that is so hostile it's easy to get bitter and angry at the same time. People treat people differently than they did 10 years ago, maybe even 5 years ago. Their sense of community has been shattered by all of the crime and lawlessness that has taken place around them. There is no more trust and fear has gripped our hearts like never before. The one place many of us run to for solace is the church, but sadly even within the church that scramble for position and power has replaced the desire and dedication that once made the church a place of refuge.

So naturally if Satan attacks our everyday life, our sense of community, and even our place of worship, then the next target is within our soul. Bitterness can easily take control of our hearts when we're going through something that we did not ask for. If it takes root then nothing but the blood of Jesus can destroy it and give you release. However, it could be that root of bitterness that is keeping you from getting your breakthrough that you have long desired to take place.

Bitterness is a hard pill to swallow, but we all have to deal with it. People will lie to you, lie about you, demean your character, detract from your abilities, and do everything within their power to see you hurt if they get it in for you. And do you know what? Sometimes God doesn't stop them. Oh man, it would be wonderful if God would just knock them down every time they did that to some believer or pastor, but often times they just get away with it. And now with social media they don't even have to expose themselves. They can do their evil works and hide behind a computer.

I have been lied about, talked about, voted against, accused, attacked, and demeaned by some of the best of them and they go on like they haven't broken a saucer. I'm the one that was falling apart because this bitterness is building up inside me and my agitators just seem to just keep on trucking. It's enough to drive you crazy!

But I learned that if I am going to have breakthrough supernaturally I have to let go of the bitterness. One scripture comes after another when it comes to letting go of bitterness.

Ephesians 4:26, 27 "Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath: Neither give place to the devil."

Verses 31, 32 "Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamor, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.

Ecclesiastes 5:6  "Suffer not thy mouth to cause thy flesh to sin; neither say thou before the angel, that it was an error: wherefore should God be angry at thy voice, and destroy the work of thine hands?"

Bitterness can and will hinder your prayer life. Ask God to help you deal with the bitterness in your life and to expunge it from your soul. Unhindered prayer is the key to breakthrough. If you allow it to, bitterness will win the victory over your life. Those who caused it or created it will continue on as though nothing has happened and you will continue to suffer because of their evil deeds. But don't let anyone determine you present or future with bitterness. With God's help get over it and move on-God will take care of the rest.

Psalm 105:15 "Saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm."

Romans 12:19-21 "Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord. Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head. Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good."

Monday, January 19, 2015

Breakthrough 2015-Why Does The Devil Want To Stop It?

I will be the first one to tell you the devil is a liar and the father of them all. I will also be the first one to tell you that he is defeated and I believe he already knows he's defeated. To go one step further, I believe he has known that from the very beginning. So if he knows he's defeated, why does he try so hard to stop every breakthrough spiritually, emotionally, financially, and physically that the Lord wants to provide for us from happening?

-First, it's not because he has something to gain, but because he wants to make God look like a fool.
I know we should never refer to God as a fool, but the devil wants to make him be the fool when our breakthrough is on the horizon. If Satan can get someone mad, upset, frustrated, critical, or just plain downright mean and put them in your path it's to detour you from what God is about to do in your life. It's not Satan's goal to receive the glory, just to stop God from getting it. The greatest breakthrough in 2015 you can ever have is when you put aside the gossip and the junk from other people and focus on Jesus. He will reveal the truth to you and others. The greatest temptation is to give the devil glory for the trial, temptation, or failure, but if you will stop and rebuke him rather than praise him, he is defeated before he makes God or His promises look foolish and the door to your breakthrough will open.

-Secondly, he has his own hide to look out for so he's not really worried about yours.
Many times we get upset because we think the devil's picking on us. Satan is not omnipresent. He can't be everywhere, all-the-time like God. He doesn't have that kind of power. Reference is given to his power as being the prince of the power of the air in Ephesians 2. In other words, he operates in the invisible spiritual realm above the earth. But you must remember, his power is subject to the power of God for all of eternity. The seed of sin in our lives may give him temporary control, but the blood of Jesus broke his temporary deed and gave our lives to back to God, He may look like an opposing giant, but read the book: " Ye are of God little children, and greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world" ( 1 John 4:4). Breakthrough power comes when you understand God desires and wants to bless you more than the devil has power to defeat.

-Finally, he will make every effort to draw your attention away from breakthrough to keep you in bondage.
I found out recently that I was betrayed by a friend of mine that I had trusted for years. I would never have thought that he would allow politics or position to come between our friendship, but he did. It probably would not have hurt so bad if he had been truthful and upfront with me in the beginning, but to put bits and pieces together and see the truth really cut me to the core. I was warned by the Holy Ghost this would happen, but I did not expect it to be from a friend. The Lord showed me in prayer and meditation that the reason this happened was to hinder me from obtaining my breakthrough. To be open with you, every time I have sensed a breakthrough in my spirit somehow it's been delayed because of some kind of junk like this. You see, any effort the enemy can use to stop your breakthrough will be used-job, church, family, friends, etc. It's all about getting you angry or upset to stop breakthrough from coming into your life. The devil's goal is to get your attention on him and a situation, rather than the breakthrough promised by God. 

Can I say it's a fight to forgive people who hurt you. The thought of what they did isn't as bad as how they did it and that's the thing the devil uses to stop you from getting breakthrough. That's why God in His Word says we are to pray one for another and to bear one another's burdens rather than to hurt one another and cause more pain. So remember it's better to say nothing at all and do what's right than to be the one responsible for stopping breakthrough from happening in someone's life.

In conclusion, the devil receives no glory, just gratitude when he can stop the river of blessing from flowing into your life. If he can cause you to miss the glory he will. My challenge to you is be strong in the Lord. Whatever God wants to bring to pass, he will bring to pass. Just let Him do so. Breakthrough 2015 is here!

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Breakthrough 2015-Midnight

Acts 16:25 "And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them." 
Paul and Silas were confined to prison, but at about midnight their confinement birthed their true assignment: prayer and praise. In the midst of confinement, they blessed the Lord.
Lasting change is birthed out of pain and often filled with isolation, but there's no better time to feel God's presence than during your spiritual midnight. During these times, praise God for who He is. Recall past victories, and in spite of how you feel or what you see, praise Him for His promises. Your worship will promote stability and assurance. Then you're ready for the breakthrough. Paul and Silas' prayer and praise caused tremors in the realms of darkness. Suddenly, a violent earthquake shook the building, and the doors were opened.
Explosive breakthroughs will come in your life as you continue to lift up the name of Jesus. Breakthroughs bring the favor of God on your life, which releases His plans for you. Soon, doors will swing open, chains will fall off, and those standing by will marvel at your life. When we become a testimony of God's faithfulness during painful transitions, not only are we blessed, but others will observe our breakthroughs and will be touched by our release. Desperation will prompt them to ask, as the jailer did, "What must I do to be saved?"
The passage in Acts 16 concludes with the jailer restoring Paul and Silas as the magistrate sent word to release them. Likewise, God can cause the same people or situation that imprisoned you to bless you.
When your clock strikes midnight know that it's time to rejoice. Whether you are in a period of burden or birthing, remember that explosive breakthroughs are born around midnight. So, let the celebration begin.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Singing In The Glory-Breakthrough 2015

Ephesians 5:19 "Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;"
Colossians 3:16 "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord."

Music has set the dynamic for Breakthrough in the scripture before. The children of Israel shouted and the trumpets sounded when the walls of Jericho came down. Often times the children of Israel put the worshippers at the front of the battle line because their music would bring chills to the spines of their enemies. The most famous worship leader of all time, David, had such a breakthrough anointing that he could break the tormenting spirits that plagued King Saul. So in the Pentecostal church we know the music has set the tone for our worship for years.

Paul wrote twice it was important to speak (sing) to ourselves in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, making melody in our heart to God. So my first point of Breakthrough through singing is knowing who you are singing for and to. You are not singing to make an impression on the congregation, but you are singing because you love God. You are not singing just because you like to sing, but because you want to have a breakthrough with God. It's not about entertainment, but it's about worshipping and leading others into the presence of God for a breakthrough.

So if we are to be singing unto the Lord, the Bible says He requires our best efforts. Not singing the same old songs over and over because we don't like to practice, or using just one style of music, but using choruses, convention book, red-back hymnals, new songs, or whatever the Lord sanctifies through His Word, Whether it's from an iPad, off a screen, from a hardcover or paperback book, or from printed sheet music, God just wants us to do our best. The only time Jesus got real angry in the Word is when the money changers outside the temple were selling halt and maimed sacrifices to the people. They were less than the best, and Jesus made it know these were not acceptable. It's takes effort, it takes practice, it takes work, but God wants the best from us to sing through a breakthrough.

Just going through the motions is not going to get it done. Just sounding spiritual is not going to get it done. There has to be some effort behind the action to make a difference. In Acts 16, what if Paul and Silas had just moaned instead of opening their mouths and started singing and making melody in their hearts before the Lord? They were certainly not in ideal conditions and had no band to accompany them, but they just opened up their hearts to God through music and revival came down. So even with the worst of situations, music still set the tone for worship.

If you want to sing in the glory in 2015 then don't let different styles keep you from the main reason you are singing in the first place-and that is, to bring glory to God. It may not be your preference or the best style you like, but you're not singing it because it's your favorite, you're singing it unto the Lord and you want a breakthrough.

Lastly, sing with your best effort. If you sing soprano, sing soprano. Alto, then sing alto. Learn the part you're singing. Practice it until you get it down. Give it your first and best effort and guess what? God will be pleased and breakthrough will come.

Remember, you're not singing off the wall, you're singing to Jesus. Remember the book is man-made, but you're singing to Jesus. When you sing to Jesus with your best effort and your whole heart, the sky's literally the limit! Breakthrough is on the horizon, so sing with your whole heart unto the Lord!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Breakthrough 2015-Changing The Way We Think

Spiritual Breakthrough is not about learning; it’s about changing!

Do you sometimes feel like quitting and saying, "I can’t do it, it’s just too hard!"? Are you fighting an attitude of bitterness, anger, deep down resentment? Does life seem to be too difficult to bear? Are you easily discouraged? Well, to get a breakthrough in 2015 you have to change your thinking. It's not about learning something different, but about doing something different to break the devil's stranglehold on you.

Paul said, "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me" in Philippians 4:13. So can you! Read that again! Philippians 4:13: "I CAN DO ALL THINGS!!!!!"

The word for "do" in this verse is the Greek word ischuo (number 2480 in Strong's Concordance), which means "to have or exercise force," "be able, avail, can do, prevail, be of strength, be whole." It is derived from the word ischus which means, "force, forcefulness, ability, might, power, strength." Thayer's Greek-English Lexicon defines this word as "ability, force, strength, might, power." It defines ischuo as "to be strong," to be robust and in sound health, "to have power," to exert, wield power, evidenced in extraordinary deeds, "to have strength to overcome," "to be of force, avail."

Paul had a very positive, confident, powerful attitude. Do you believe you can accomplish, prevail, conquer, overcome, and do all these things through Christ, as Paul believed? If not, then change your way of thinking.

Galatians 2:20 says, "For I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me."
If Christ really put new life in you and you are really a true Christian then you have been changed into a believer. And if Christ lives in you, through the Holy Spirit, then you can be an overcomer, even as He was an overcomer. Paul also warns us to "examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith" in 2 Corinthians 13:5. So if I understand this correctly, we as believers know who are source is and where our strength comes from. If we know that, then breakthrough doesn't come because we learn something new, but because we hold onto something we know has changed us and is changing us daily. Let God change your thinking and your breakthrough will be there waiting on you.


Breakthrough 2015 Day 5

Therefore it is of faith, that it might be by grace; to the end the promise might be sure to all the seed; not to that only which is of the law, but to that also which is of the faith of Abraham; who is the father of us all, (As it is written, I have made thee a father of many nations,) before him whom he believed, even God, who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were. Who against hope believed in hope, that he might become the father of many nations; according to that which was spoken, So shall thy seed be. And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was about an hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sara's womb: He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God; And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform. And therefore it was imputed to him for righteousness. (Romans 4:16-22 KJV)

Abraham faced impossible odds. How could a man his age father a child with a woman Sara's age? Impossible, but not to those that believe. God was faithful to his promise to Abraham because he did not stagger at the promise of God through unbelief. He believed that God would do and that God could do what He had promised.

I have no sense anytime soon of  retiring from the ministry because I believe my greatest days are ahead of me. They may be at TR or some other place, but I believe God is going to honor his promise to me and Breakthrough will be mine. But last year I really fought a battle.

The Lord promised me 10 years ago I was going to have a supernatural breakthrough in my music and in my ministry. Recently God has confirmed that in my Spirit again.  I've pastored some wonderful people at my former church, but the financial load I inherited was too great to bear and after 4 years and 8 months I moved on. I never realized how quickly your body, mind, and sprit can shut down on you when you live under such a strain, but within two days I thought I was loosing it. I begin to have severe panic attacks sometimes at the rate of 5 a day. This went on for 4 weeks and my doctor said it was stress and exhaustion from trying to pay bills without enough money that caused that condition. My advice to pastors out there-trust God, step out on faith, but never put a congregation so far in debt that you can't pay a payment on half the amount of your contributions if half of them were lost. You or the guy following you will live to regret it. And for goodness sakes don't borrow money to pay a pastor and add to your debt. It just gets worse that way.

I struggled with this affliction for over a month, but God touched me. He brought healing to my body, mind, and spirit, and promised this year was my year of breakthrough. He even provided my son, daughter-in-law. And grands to take his mother and I out of town for two weeks. Being with my family, especially during the holidays, did more for me than anything other than prayer. It was during this time God laid on my heart these 21 days of prayer an told me this was my year of promise. If God can fulfill it for a 90 year old and an eighty year old, He can do it for me. If He can do it for me, likewise he can do it for you.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Breakthrough 2015-Day 4

Prayer changes things.

I've seen that little saying in a thousand or more places and even though it's not in the Bible it has a great meaning of Biblical proportions:

James 5:16 says:
"Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much."

A simple passage with a simple message about the changing power of prayer. Confession leads to possession of one's healing as we pray one for another. It is that fiery prayer that opens the door for a spiritual breakthrough. Little is gained without that ability to confess your faults one to another and to pray one for another.

It's amazing how God works in a three step processes throughout His Word. This passage is no exception. It includes three things that must be done to experience a supernatural breakthrough from God for your healing and the healing of others as well.

(1) Confess your faults one to another-God isn't asking us to air our issues in national publications or on a blog that reaches across the globe. He tells us to confess our faults to one another-personally, discretely, and honestly. 
-Then we can have true accountability and discipleship. 
-Then we will begin to grow in love and grace. 
-Then there will be healing and deliverance. 
-Then we will become a church that promotes health, growth, and victory and not one that cuts off its own hands while ignoring the fact we have cancer, heart disease, and are dying.

(2) Pray one for another-God has called us to love one another. This is such an important part of our relationship with God that He says loving one another will be the mark of His disciples.
Loving and caring for one another is so important to God! He loves us, and we are His hands and feet, so it is our job to show His love to one another. So many of us are hurting. So many of us need love. So many of us need prayer; It is our job as a body of Christ to be there for each other, and to pray for one another.

John 13:35 "By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

(3) That ye (YOU) may be healed-Throughout scripture, we see that God’s system is based on sowing and reaping. In other words, what you make happen for others, God will make happen for you. The same is true when we pray for others. When we focus on doing God’s work, when we yield ourselves to His purposes, then He is able to do a work in us. When we pray for others, we receive His healing power in our lives as a result.

Today, look for ways to reach out to others. There’s always someone in your path that needs what you have. Pray for others in the precious name of Jesus according to the Word of God. Listen to the promptings of the Holy Spirit and quickly obey. Keep your heart open and be willing to be used by Him. Let His healing virtue flow through you and in you so that you may healed.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Breakthrough 2015-Day 3

Matthew 17:20  "And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you." 

We develop faith through are personal time with God and learn more about Him through reading the Bible. We are encouraged by stories like Joshua asking for the sun to stand still, the Hebrews in the fiery furnace, and Daniel in the den of lions. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and He answer prayer again and again. This kind of breakthrough only comes through your personal prayer life. Ask God things in prayer for what you need and wait for how He answers you. This communication with God will constantly grow your faith in His ability to do what is needed in your life..

Remember these three things:
 -We develop faith through taking risks. We need to step out of the boat and see if we sink or walk on the water. 
 -We need to place our feet in the raging river of the enemy to see if God stops its flow. 
 -Faith is demonstrated by doing things that show belief in God blindly over things that you see with your natural sight.. 
 You will never see miracles through your prayer if you are too afraid to take risks in what you pray. Believe for your breakthrough and see the glory of God.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Breakthrough 2015-Day 2

Matthew 7:7 "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you..."

There are no magical formulas to use to receive answers to prayer. God begins to move  whenever you welcome His powerful presence into the situations you face. You have to be willing to ask, seek, and knock to be prepared and ready to receive.

-Perfect Prayers:
Don’t worry about trying to pray perfect prayers to convince God to do something miraculous in your life. Simply invite God to work in every situation in which you’re seeking answers, and trust Him to do what’s best after you ask Him to intervene.

-If You're Not Sure:
If you’re not sure whether or not it’s God’s will to perform a particular miracle in your life, ask Him to make His will clear to you and tell Him that you want His will and not yours to be done.

-Confession Can Lead To Possession:
Finally, confess your doubts and lack of faith to God and ask Him to meet you where you are spiritually to help you believe that He is able to do what He says He will do in your life. Just be honest with Him because He already sees your heart.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Breakthrough 2015

If evil in the spiritual realm is hindering miracles from happening in your life, pray breakthrough prayers against evil to clear the way for more miracles to occur in your life. 

-Start by confessing your sins that come to mind, and then repent of each one specifically. 

-Ask in Jesus’ name and through the power of His blood for the Holy Spirit to help you and the people you’re praying for be victorious over every evil attack.

-Ask God to protect you and those you’re praying for from future attacks of the devil.

-Pray for any bondages that you or the people you’re praying for are under to be broken so you and they can experience the freedom God intends. 

-When you pray rebuke each bondage specifically from unhealthy addictions and personal struggles to negative words that others may have spoken over you and any involvement you may have had with ungodly spiritual forces. 

-Ask God to bless you and those you’re praying for in the name of Jesus.

21 Days of Prayer and Fasting

When a new year begins a lot of churches go on the Daniel Diet for 21 days. I've tried this before, but not everybody like lentils. However, our denomination and others are calling for 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting for a spiritual awakening in our nation. I do believe its time for us to believe God for a supernatural move of His Spirit in this critical hour of history.

For many folks like me 2014 was a rough year physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I was physically spent trying to stretch dollars to make repairs on a building and property that were too expensive to pay for. I lost some dear friends and members who were some of my biggest supporters when the Lord decided to take them home. I was attacked over untruths and opinions from people who were not faithful nor even attended my church. Lastly, I found that people I had confidence in were more interested in an image than in reality. To put it simply in November it all came crashing down on me and I like Job begin to wonder what purpose my life had served at all. It was a very difficult time for me.

They only way that I survived all this calamity and drama was through and by the power of prayer. No, I didn't stay on my knees 24 hours a day, but I did talk with the Lord off and on throughout the day, praising Him, questioning Him, and seeking His direction and face. I asked Him why I felt the way I felt, why He had moved me from a pastorate of 13 years to go through what I had gone through in 4 years and 10 months, and I asked Him why things were not what they were supposed to be. In fact, I asked Him all kinds of things, repented over and over, and I am still waiting on some answers. I said all this to make this point-in the greatest trial of my life-I had somebody I could talk with who would not judge me, be offended by me, antagonize me, nor ignore me-and His name was Jesus.

During the next 21 days I challenge you to do something-ask God for the impossible. Ask God for miracles, Ask God for a new anointing. Ask God to challenge your heart to new horizons in Him. Ask God to show you His glory. And ask  God to help you to know what is best for this coming year. Just take these next 21 days and ask God. It certainly can't hurt.

Will the devil attack you? Yes, he will. Will he try and stop the answers? Yes, he will. Will he try and afflict you? Yes, he will. Yet friend, no war is won without a battle and these next 21 days establish an assault on enemy territory like never before. It's up to us to decide if we will pray of not. It's really up to you. So please join with us and let's attack the gates of darkness together in Jesus Name!

Friday, January 9, 2015

Nearer Than You Think

Many of you have read the story about the old mule that the farmer decided had out lived its usefulness. It had worked his fields for years going in circles tending crops and he decided to retire the old mule out to pasture for the good service it had given him. However on the day the farmer was going to do this thing, the old mule fell into a deep abandoned well on the property that had gone dry. The old farmer said to himself, "Poor fellow, he deserved better than that." Yet the old mule started doing what it had always, which was to start walking in circles inside that old well. The more he walked the more the soft ground grew harder until finally he had made himself walk out of the well. The old farmer could not believe what he saw. How could the old mule ready for retirement have enough strength and stamina to do such a feat? Simply put, the old mule did what it always did-keep on walking regardless of the terrain until somebody said, "Whoa." Nobody told it to stop, so it kept doing what it knew to do until it reached the top.

Some points from this old story I think will encourage you today. Please read them very carefully and let them sink into your heart.

(1) There will be detractors along your way. They will say you are too old, too young, too experienced, too inexperienced, too qualified, or not qualified enough. Regardless of how hard you work they want to decide what your fate is. Don't let them-be your own person.

(2) There are plenty of abandoned wells in life. It's a hole somebody dug before you and you are left with the task of filling it in. Or it's a place you did not discover until you found yourself trapped in it. It happens to the best of us and to the worst. Sometimes, in spite of your best efforts, you fall in and feel trapped with no way of escape. It is in those times you wonder if you will thrive or even survive-but don't give up.

(3) There is a way back to the top, but you have to be willing to find it. Again, that's not always easy to do. Sometimes you feel you are just walking in circles and nothing seems to change. Can't you imagine what the old mule saw? Nothing but wet, clammy dirt all around. But it never stopped him from continuing on his journey. He kept on walking until the wet, clammy dirt became solid ground and he climbed out at the top.

Life may knock you to the bottom of the well. You may be in a place you didn't ask for or even a place you don't want to be, but keep on walking and don't stop. The top is nearer than you think.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

A LITTLE laughter for the New Year

A fire started in some grasslands near a farm. The county fire department was called to put out the fire. The fire was more than the county fire department could handle. Someone suggested that a nearby volunteer bunch be called. Despite some doubt that the volunteer outfit would be of any assistance, the call was made.

The volunteers arrived in a dilapidated old fire truck. They rumbled straight toward the fire, drove right into the middle of the flames, and stopped. The volunteers jumped off the truck and frantically started spraying water in all directions. Soon they had snuffed out the center of the fire, breaking the blaze into two easily controlled parts.

Watching all this, the farmer was so impressed with the volunteer fire department's work and so grateful that his farm had been spared, that right there on the spot he presented the volunteers with a check for $1,000. A local news reporter asked the volunteer fire captain what the department planned to do with the funds.

"That ought to be obvious," he responded,  wiping ashes off his coat. "The first thing we're gonna do is get the brakes fixed on our fire truck!"

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Do not let weakness win

Do you have a weakness? Almost everyone that I know has a weakness of some sort or another. Some of these weaknesses do not interfere with their normal life. For example, one person may have a weakness in that they are terribly afraid of heights and so that no matter what needs to be done that requires even two steps up on a step ladder is not done. But, does this really cause them a great deal of problems? Well, that may depend on what they do for a living, or what the situation is.  If this person is a house painter, then the inability to climb a ladder to paint high ceilings, or the outside of a house, would be a major drawback and unlikely that they would get many jobs. 

For many others, being afraid of heights is only an inconvenience that requires the friendly assistance of a spouse to climb the ladder, or a neighborhood friend who can drop over on short notice. In other situations, some people claim to have a weakness that prevents them from taking a risk to get ahead, or to find a new job, or to acquire a new skill. Is this a weakness or a fear of failure? 

Most of us prefer to know what we face because the unknown is unmapped territory. This is somewhat like avoiding traveling to different countries because you are unsure of the customs, or the type of housing available, or a reluctance to attempt a few words in a foreign language. Is this a fear to leave your comfort zone; a zone where you know everything that is required from the customs, language, to the spots to avoid to stay away from bad situations?

For some, a weakness may be a phobia that is realistic for them but unrealistic to others. For example, a fear of going outside is a real fear for some, and this condition is called agoraphobia. Now, psychotherapy, and hypnosis, or drugs in other cases can treat this condition. But, what about when the fear of failure dominates your life? How is it treated, or what can be done so that this belief does not cause unrealized dreams to be a dominant partner throughout life? 

The best-known cure for the fear of failure is action. The aspect of taking action helps to quiet nerves and can lead to even minor accomplishments. Take for example the fear of failure if you have been asked to speak in front of a number of people. This speaking request can be as simple as speaking at a wedding as the best man or bridesmaid, or speaking to a group of fellow employees about a new project. 

The first action in this case, is to prepare a written speech or comments. Once you are happy with what you have written, the next action is to practice your remarks out loud over and over again until you can recite your comments in your sleep. The next action is to deliver your comments in front of family members - this is a safe audience and gives you an opportunity to see if you make any mistakes. Action is the key. Take action as your own special mechanism to overcome fear. Do not let a weakness win - you can overcome and win. 

Tuesday, January 6, 2015


Self-worth issues are rooted in believing that we are not worthy or deserve to be loved. When we believe that we are unlovable, we will unconsciously reject any love that comes our way. We won't believe the love, because we believe in our hearts that we are not worthy. Self worth issues are all rooted in our failing to see who we really are in Christ.

If you walked into a gallery of world-class art, and pointed to a painting, saying, "That is the ugliest thing I've ever seen! Who painted that??" Now let's say the artist was standing right next to you. How do you think that would make Him feel? Do you realize we are the artwork of God, a special painting crafted together by the master painter? Do you think it brings Him honor when we look down on ourselves? We need to stop putting down what God has made.

Many times we have self-unforgiveness issues because we blame ourselves for something, or we've done something we deeply regret, and we simply cannot let it go. We need to realize that Jesus has forgiven us of all our failures, and we need to start seeing ourselves as forgiven. Otherwise, we're denying the work of Christ in our life! If God forgave you, and you're still beating yourself up, then you don't really believe what Jesus did for you. It's that simple!

Just as we must forgive others (see Matthew 18:21-35), we need to forgive ourselves just the same. Self-hate has been known to be the root behind diseases such as lupus and crohn's disease, as well as other auto-immune diseases. We need to stop holding ourselves accountable for that which Jesus has set us free from.

If we want to be in faith, we need to believe what Jesus did for us, and part of that believing is seeing ourselves as forgiven and clothed with the righteousness of God, which is upon all who believe in the finished work of Christ. Without faith, it is impossible to please God (see Hebrews 11:6), so if you want to please God, start taking the finished work of the cross seriously, and begin to see yourself as forgiven, washed clean, and clothed in the righteousness of God. For the righteousness (right standing with God) is upon all who believe. 

 Learn to see yourself as God sees you, and forgive yourself because you want to please God and be in the faith and be thankful for what Jesus did for you.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

John Harper

John Harper was born to a pair of solid Christian parents on May 29th, 1872. It was on the last Sunday of March 1886, when he was thirteen years old that he received Jesus as the Lord of his life. He never knew what it was to "sow his wild oats." He began to preach about four years later at the ripe old age of 17 years by going down to the streets of his village and pouring out his soul in earnest entreaty for men to be reconciled to God.

As John Harper's life unfolded, one thing was apparent...he was consumed by the word of God. When asked by various ministers what his doctrine consisted of, he was known to reply "The Word of God!" After five or six years of toiling on street corners preaching the gospel and working in the mill during the day, Harper was taken in by Rev. E. A. Carter of Baptist Pioneer Mission in London, England. This set Harper free to devote his whole time of energy to the work so dear to his heart. Soon, John Harper started his own church in September of 1896. (Now known as the Harper Memorial Church). This church which John Harper had started with just 25 members, had grown to over 500 members when he left 13 years later. During this time he had gotten married, but was shortly there after widowed. However brief the marriage, God did bless John Harper with a beautiful little girl named Nana.

Ironically, John Harper almost drowned several times during his life. When he was two and a half years of age, he almost drowned when he fell into a well but was resuscitated by his mother. At the age of twenty-six, he was swept out to sea by a reverse current and barely survived, and at thirty-two he faced death on a leaking ship in the Mediterranean. Perhaps, God used these experiences to prepare this servant for what he faced next...

It was the night of April 14, 1912. The RMS Titanic sailed swiftly on the bitterly cold ocean waters heading unknowingly into the pages of history. On board this luxurious ocean liner were many rich and famous people. At the time of the ship's launch, it was the world's largest man-made moveable object. At 11:40 p.m. on that fateful night, an iceberg scraped the ship's starboard side, showering the decks with ice and ripping open six watertight compartments. The sea poured in.

On board the ship that night was John Harper and his much-beloved six-year-old daughter Nana. According to documented reports, as soon as it was apparent that the ship was going to sink, John Harper immediately took his daughter to a lifeboat. It is reasonable to assume that this widowed preacher could have easily gotten on board this boat to safety; however, it never seems to have crossed his mind. He bent down and kissed his precious little girl; looking into her eyes he told her that she would see him again someday. The flares going off in the dark sky above reflected the tears on his face as he turned and headed towards the crowd of desperate humanity on the sinking ocean liner. As the rear of the huge ship began to lurch upwards, it was reported that Harper was seen making his way up the deck yelling "Women, children and unsaved into the lifeboats!" It was only minutes later that the Titanic began to rumble deep within. Most people thought it was an explosion; actually the gargantuan ship was literally breaking in half. At this point, many people jumped off the decks and into the icy, dark waters below. John Harper was one of these people.

That night 1528 people went into the frigid waters. John Harper was seen swimming frantically to people in the water leading them to Jesus before the hypothermia became fatal. Mr. Harper swam up to one young man who had climbed up on a piece of debris. Rev. Harper asked him between breaths, "Are you saved?" The young man replied that he was not.

Harper then tried to lead him to Christ only to have the young man who was near shock, reply no. John Harper then took off his life jacket and threw it to the man and said "Here then, you need this more than I do..." and swam away to other people. A few minutes later Harper swam back to the young man and succeeded in leading him to salvation. Of the 1528 people that went into the water that night, six were rescued by the lifeboats. One of them was this young man on the debris. Four years later, at a survivors meeting, this young man stood up and in tears recounted how John Harper had led him to Christ. Mr. Harper had tried to swim back to help other people, yet because of the intense cold, had grown too weak to swim. His last words before going under in the frigid waters were "Believe on the Name of the Lord Jesus and you will be saved." Does Hollywood remember this man? No. Oh well, no matter. This servant of God did what he had to do. While other people were trying to buy their way onto the lifeboats and selfishly trying to save their own lives, John Harper gave up his life so that others could be saved.