A young preacher will be wise to learn from older preachers who have already traveled the road they are getting read to trod. Experience is a valuable teacher. If you learn from those who have already experienced what it is to make right and wrong moves in the church, it may just keep you from heading down a wrong pathway that will lead to your destruction.
(1) Seperating yourself from evil-I Timothy 6:11
-Abstain from fleshly lusts. I Peter 2:11
-Should not have fellowship with unfruitfulness. Ephesians 5:11
-Abstain from all evil. I Thessalonians 5:22
(2) Don't get caught up in gossip. I Timothy 4:7
-Recognize the error of gossip. James 1:26
-Do not be a talebearer. Leviticus 19:16
-Let your conversation should honor Christ. Philippians 1:27
(3) Understand the power of prayer-I Timothy 2:1
-Pray with faith. Matthew 21:22
-Pray with humility. II Chronicles 33:12
-Pray with earnestness. I Thessalonians 3:10
(4) Rely on the power of worship-I Timothy 3:15
-Worship God in spirit and truth. John 4:24
-Worship with reverence. Exodus 3:5
-Worship with rejoicing. Psalm 122:1.
(5) Show respect for others-I Timothy 5:1-3
-Listen the burdens of others. Galatians 6:2
-Always show hospitality. I Peter 4:9
-Minister unto others. I Peter 4:10
(6) Be an example to all believers-I Timothy 4:12
-An example in good works. Titus 2:7
-An example in speech. Job 2:10
-An example in conduct. Hebrew 11:2
(7) Contend for your faith-I Timothy 6:12
-Defend the faith. Romans 1:16
-Preach with boldness. II Corinthians 4:13
-Proclaim the Word of Life. Philippians 2:16
As a minister with 39 years of experience I know I keep learning something new everyday. The learning process never stops. However, if I can help some young preacher from making some of the mistakes that I did along the way it is my responsibility to do so. It is my hope that something in this blog today will help some young pastor in a time of need.
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