Divine Timing
It's been 9 years since Becky and I left Union. Man, did I ever miss the will of God! I left because I thought my time was finished there, but boy was I wrong. Sometimes are timing isn't the same as God's, but we think it's the right thing today when we act. Only after time goes by, do we realize we pushed, when we should have waited on the Lord.
Think about the timing of your life for a moment:
-What if instead of pushing so hard to make things happen every second, you decided to let go a little and wait on the Lord?
-What if instead of trying to always be in control, you sometimes surrendered control to someone bigger than yourself, who already knows your future?
-What if instead of working so hard to figure out every last answer, you allowed yourself to be guided to solutions in perfect timing with the will of God?
(1) The right things will often enter your life when you’re not even looking for them. They will enter your life at just the right time. Why?
-So you can function just fine without them for awhile even in the valley of indecision.
-When you have stopped needing to control everything and it's not going as you planned.
-When you are confident in yourself and your surroundings to just be still and wait on the Lord.
-When you don’t need anything else to make you happy because you are at peace with where you are.
(2) The right things will enter your life when you are done running and hiding.
-When you have taken a deep breath and made yourself available and open to the realities unfolding in front of you by the hand of God.
(3) The right things will enter your life when you stop rushing.
-When you simply do your best, without trying to force what’s not yet supposed to happen.
-When you allow your efforts and outcomes to unfold and evolve naturally.
(4) The right things will enter your life when you clear your mind and focus on the present.
-When you let go of the baggage from yesterday that’s been clouding your vision of today’s blessings and the promises of your heavenly Father.
Truth be told, when you are ready to experience the full breath of the moment you’re in that’s precisely when you’ll notice it sitting there in front of you.
That’s the divine blessing of life.
Have faith in it.
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