Welcome to the blog of Pastor Alton Stone, from Simpsonville, SC. Pastor Stone is a retired Ordained Bishop of The Church of God, Cleveland, Tennessee with over 45 years of pastoral ministry.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016


Dear God, I have a problem - it's me. Have you ever thought your worst problem in life is you? There's only one person you can truly answer for and it is you. You make the decisions that infest your life. You learn to grow or be stalemated. You can't blame anyone but yourself for success of failure. It starts and ends with you.

I've always said to myself and others the worst problem you face everyday looks back at you in the mirror. Nobody but God knows what's on the inside of your mind, your heart, or your spirit, except for you. You know your strengths and weaknesses. You know your hopes and dreams. You know your limitations and excesses. You know your abilities and your emotions. It is all about you, because you know how to handle you better than anyone else.

We blame everybody else for our problems and sure some have contributed mightily to them, but we need to examine ourselves daily and see if there be a right spirit within us. By searching your life daily and dealing with your issues, you are available to be used by God to minister to others as you feel lead by Him. You know your problems and the people you have problems being around. Face your issues, leave the harassing mob behind, and get busy becoming what you can be in Jesus. Don't let you stand in the way of what God wants to do with your life.

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