Welcome to the blog of Pastor Alton Stone, from Simpsonville, SC. Pastor Stone is a retired Ordained Bishop of The Church of God, Cleveland, Tennessee with over 45 years of pastoral ministry.

Monday, October 31, 2016

Sense Of Humor

A life without humor is no better at getting through life's bumps and jolts than riding in my convertible with the top down in a hail storm.  Life will groan and complain at any obstacle thrown in its path, and there is plenty of debris along the way. Every life path is filled with plenty of unexpected twists and turns. I can guarantee you will face obstacles on life's road at every turn when you least expect it.

Our problem is not that there are problems. There will always be rocks in the way, and where there are no rocks, watch out for the potholes. No one ever promised life was a smooth ride. It's when we think our way should always be smooth, every rock we hit feels like a personal assault and we wonder if we can survive.

That's why we need resources to absorb life's shocks, and a good sense of humor is one tool we can't live without. The ability to lighten up is invaluable when we encounter teeth-rattling jolts. It helps us overlook the unbecoming, understand the unconventional, tolerate the unpleasant, overcome the unexpected, and outlast the unbearable. Besides that, learning to laugh during the hardship of life's journey lightens an overbearing load. 
Learn to laugh every day, its like inner jogging. It is refreshing for the weary traveler, encouraging for the empty, and fuel for the troubled soul. The road of life will give you lemon after lemon, but with a sense of humor you can make lemonade. Why don't you have a sip today!

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