Jesus said, "Behold, I have set before thee an open door, which no man can shut." The conclusion is there is no key to happiness because the door is always open. Since Jesus is that door all you have to do is walk through and find what you've been looking for.
-It's the door of peace.
-It's the door of eternity.
-It's the door of opportunity.
-It's the door of deliverance.
-It's the door of provision.
-It's the door of regeneration.
-It's the door of revival.
-It's the door of safety.
-It's the door of hope.
-It's the door of grace.
-It's the door of victory.
You can spend your whole life trying to find the key to happiness. Some go on great journeys, great distances, and spend years seeking for answers. Jesus is just as close as the mention of His name. He simply says, "Ask, and it shall be given; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you."
Nobody but you can close that door. You have the ability to open it and make sure that answer you are seeking becomes a reality. Don't waste your time looking for happiness in places that are locked-just walk through the open door He has set before you into delightful pasture. Pure joy comes to those who graze there.
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