I'm sure you've heard the story about the little boy who prayed for a pony. On his birthday he went to his grandfather's farm on the day the stables had been cleaned out. Outside was a large pile of manure that had been gathered from the stalls. When the little boy got out of the car he ran and dove into the huge pile. Both his parents and grandparents were upset and started screaming for him to stop digging in the pile. They could not comprehend his reasoning. He responded to their request to stop with this answer: "With a pile this big, there's got to be a pony somewhere!"
Here's the point of it all-we go through a bunch of mess in our life. Sometimes it piles up so high that we can't see the top or bottom.Yet, somewhere in that mess is a blessing that is about to take place. You can't see it, but you believe it's there. It doesn't seem any good can come out of it, but something good is about to happen, because of your faith.
Just like the little boy believed the evidence pointed to the existence of a pony, you've got to believe your trial points to a blessing. For some reason you were chosen to endure and for some purpose God knew you could do it. It wasn't a guess on His part. He saw your faith and persistence and knew you wouldn't give up. You didn't see the mess-you saw the pony!
Our heavenly Father promised that He would never leave or forsake us. Sometimes it feels He's nowhere near the mess we are going through. We keep searching and searching, but the pile keeps getting bigger. Its at that moment faith kicks in and says I can overcome. I can find the answer. I can solve this equation with the Lord's help. He hasn't left me, but was right here all the time.
Hopefully this will make supernatural sense to you. In spite of the mess there's got to be a pony somewhere. Why not let your faith find it?
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