Welcome to the blog of Pastor Alton Stone, from Simpsonville, SC. Pastor Stone is a retired Ordained Bishop of The Church of God, Cleveland, Tennessee with over 45 years of pastoral ministry.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Being Very Serious (Part 14)

Iron sharpens iron says the Bible and sure enough we see it do so even today. Conflict affects everyone from the youngest to the eldest in a marriage, in a family, and in a church. No one comes out of it unscathed. It can create a better bond or a lasting division. It can mold some ones future or scar their past. It can manufacture warriors or cause individuals to hang their heads in defeat. There is no greater task than learning how to deal with the spirit of conflict in our society today.

We are seeing a minority cause so much anguish in our world right now that it will have a stronghold on us if we don't come to grips with it quickly. It is an unleashing of unthinkable ideas of even a generation ago that mistakenly confuses liberation with liberty, renovation without change, and perverseness versus normality. Combating this spirit of conflict publicly invites ridicule, censorship, and indignity upon those calling for a resolution. This spirit of conflict is seemingly bent on the destruction of our freedoms, families, and faith. Utter devastation is upon us unless we make up our minds and hearts that through God we will prevail.

The conflict over sexual identity is invading every aspect of our lives and the more we struggle with it the more it seems to advance. The conflict over what is sin and what is not sin has invaded the church and we have varied opinions from clergy on which way we should go. The conflict over which freedoms are protected and which aren't is continuing to flood the political arena. This conflict is more than a passing phase in our history, but a real threat to our history. History is correct in one aspect-every fallen nation has fallen from within and unless we take the attack to this spirit of conflict America is next.

Politicians can't solve this dilemma. Those that have tried have failed miserably, although many have put up a gallant front. Religious leaders that were once respected have compromised the Word of God and the faith and have become fodder for the pigs. Even parents who have tried to teach the truth and discipline their children are persecuted for doing the right thing. So what, my friend, can break the spirit of conflict we face today?


I'm not being a Debbie Downer, but it isn't easy to pray when all hell seems to crashing down around you. In fact, it isn't easy to pray even if you were a trained professional because the devil will do what he can to restrict your ability to do so. He will attack your time and efforts to make prayer a part of your daily life. Yet it is prayer that changes people, situations, and breaks the spirit of conflict every time. The spirit of confusion has to flee when we begin to pray. The power of repentance and renewal begin to take over when we begin to pray. Hardened hearts are broken by the power of prayer and a spiritual revolution begins to take place instead of conflict.

I have had to deal with conflict as a senior pastor and youth pastor. It's hard to please everybody and be everything that people want you to be. In fact I still struggle with the after effects of some of those conflicts because they wounded me deeply and personally. Yet I recognize my only hope in the life, for my family, and for my denomination is prayer. Some of those scars will never be healed. I know this because Jesus left this life scarred because of a spirit of conflict. But I know that there is hope for this generation and beyond because the spirit of conflict is subdued by the spirit of prayer.

That old saying, "Prayer Changes Things", really does speak truth. Pray for your families. Pray for our society. Pray for our leaders. Pray for your church and denomination. Pray for a spiritual breakthrough. Revival is more than a series of services, it is seeing the spirit of conflict retreat in terror to the blessings of God.

Are you ready to see it?

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