Ozark Speak - English Translation - Proper Ozark Usage.
-Afeared - Afraid - He's afeared of his own shadow.
-A-Fixin - Getting Ready - We're a-fixin to go to town.
-Aim - Intend or Plan - I aim to go to town soon.
-Biggety - Stuck up or Show off - Well aint she biggety lately!
-Chimbley - Chimney - Santa Claus comes down the chimbley.
-Clum - Climbed - I Clum that tree over yonder.
-Crick - Creek - I'm goin to the crick to go swimmin'.
-Dawg - Dog - That shore is a dumb dawg.
-Doin's - A function or gathering - Are you goin to the doins tonight?
-Dreckly - Soon - I'll be there directly.
-Et - Eaten - Have you et yet?
-Fetch - Bring or Go Ge t- I want you to fetch the eggs fer me.
-Fer - For - Lets rest here fer a spell.
-Frog - Strangler - A Hard Rain That shor was a frog strangler.
-Gander - To look - Take a gander at that there bird!
-Git Get Go git some milk from that cow.
-Gully warsher - See Frog Strangler - That shore was a gully warsher.
-Haint - Ain't - I haint going to the store for Roastners today.
-Hankerin - Craving - I have a hankerin for Roastners.
-Hep - Help - Hep me warsh this dawg!
-Hisn - His - That dog is hisn.
-Holler - A Valley - My family lives down in the Holler.
-Kivver - Covered - That tree is kivvered with leaves.
-Liketa - Nearly - I liketa broke my neck when I tripped.
-Mighty - Definitely - She shore is mighty mean today.
-Naw - No - Naw, I aint a-fixen to go to the doins.
-Necked - Unclothed - Get Necked and throw them clothes in the warsh tub.
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