Welcome to the blog of Pastor Alton Stone, from Simpsonville, SC. Pastor Stone is a retired Ordained Bishop of The Church of God, Cleveland, Tennessee with over 45 years of pastoral ministry.

Friday, May 6, 2016

In The Car With Mom

I was both excited and a little scared my first day of elementary school in Little Rock, Arkansas. The large classroom was full of books and toys, two things that I loved. But it was also full of kids I didn't know or had never seen before. Because of my dad's ministry as the State Youth Director of Arkansas we traveled a lot, so I really didn't grow up with a group of neighborhood kids that I really had strong ties with.

I think that my Mom sensed I was a little afraid. That was why she or dad were always there to pick me up right after school when I could have easily rode the bus. I would hop in the front seat next to her or him and tell them all about my day. Sometimes we would even read a book and wait until all the cars and buses had left before we drove home. I cherished those special times when I had my Mom all to myself. I felt so safe and peaceful when we sat in the car together. Beginning the new challenge of school didn’t seem so difficult when I knew that I could talk about it with her or my dad. Being a little kid in a big scary world wasn’t so bad either. I knew that my Mom loved me and that was all I needed to be loving, joyful, and strong.

As I look back on those happy times I can see now that they also prepared me for another special relationship that I would find later in life. All those times I spent talking to and being with my Earthly Mother and Dad helped me to later open my heart to my Heavenly Father. Mom's beautiful love led me to His. Her comforting arms guided me to His. Her gentle spirit took me to His. Even after dad left this world far too soon, I still feel her love with dad's flowing down from Heaven.

The next time that this world seems too scary or hard then don’t run away. Instead invite God into the car of your soul, close the doors, and spend some time alone together. If you do you will know that you are loved. If you do you too will become loving, joyful, and strong.

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