Welcome to the blog of Pastor Alton Stone, from Simpsonville, SC. Pastor Stone is a retired Ordained Bishop of The Church of God, Cleveland, Tennessee with over 45 years of pastoral ministry.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Which Kind Of Christian Are You?

When you are a little desperate, you wonder why God lets you endure so much. I have asked that question many times when going through a battle or a tough time, but I don't want to be a fair-weather Christian. A fair weather Christian seems to believe and even honestly thinks when all is well God is good, but then blames God and turns against Him when stormy or bad weather comes into their life.  I don’t want that to be said of me in spite of my most desperate moments.

There's a second type of believer that clings to a buoy in stormy weather, but floats carefree along in calm waters, with no concern about Jesus when all is well.  You have probably heard about Christians like this. God is only important when they need Him, but not at any other time. 

The third type of Christian is the kind I want to be and hope to be most of the time.  This type is thankful for blessings and turns to God with thanks for all the good things in life.  When things sour, they turn to God for direction and when God says, “No” they try to understand;  and through all times and all disturbances, no matter what happens, they have the peace of the presence of the Lord in their lives.

Which kind of Christian are you?

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