Welcome to the blog of Pastor Alton Stone, from Simpsonville, SC. Pastor Stone is a retired Ordained Bishop of The Church of God, Cleveland, Tennessee with over 45 years of pastoral ministry.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Happy Birthday Shane

35 years ago today at precisely 8:26 a.m. the doctor came out and told me, "It's a boy!" Shane has been our pride and joy for 35 years. Our lives would not have been the same without him. In fact, he will probably forget all the joy he has brought us over the years more than we will. Our lives would not have been complete without our "miracle" boy.

Many of you know that Becky's on her 5th Pacemaker. Shane was born in between her first and second heart episode, the second being when her first pacer was installed. That's why Shane has no brothers or sisters. It was too risky for us to try to have another baby. So we are just thankful for the son that we do have.

We are proud of his accomplishments, his generosity, his work ethic, and his beautiful family. God gave him a wonderful wife in Candace and gave us four great grandkids through them.
We don't have much in this world, but we have a legacy that we can leave behind because the Lord gave us our miracle baby. We could never praise him enough for that.

Happy Birthday Son-We Love You more than you will ever know.

Mom and Dad

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