Welcome to the blog of Pastor Alton Stone, from Simpsonville, SC. Pastor Stone is a retired Ordained Bishop of The Church of God, Cleveland, Tennessee with over 45 years of pastoral ministry.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Look Up

I am grateful for God's Word today. It has taught me a truth that I will hold close to my heart forever. Whenever you need to see the road ahead clearly, look up! Too often in our lives we keep the eyes of our souls looking down at the ground. When we do the world seems like a scary, discouraging, and depressing place. When we raise our eyes up to Heaven, though, our vision becomes breathtakingly clear. 

-We see that God loves us. 

-We see that this is God’s world. 

-We see that life is good and when we help others we make it even better. 

-We see that no matter what each day may throw at us, we can face it with a loving heart and a joyful spirit. 
So whenever your life seems blurry then, look up! Whenever your life seems frightening or overwhelming, look up! Whenever you aren’t sure what you should do, look up! God is in Heaven, but He is in your heart as well. Open the eyes of your soul and see clearly just how much God loves you and just how much you can love as well.

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