Welcome to the blog of Pastor Alton Stone, from Simpsonville, SC. Pastor Stone is a retired Ordained Bishop of The Church of God, Cleveland, Tennessee with over 45 years of pastoral ministry.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Reaching a milestone

Well, yesterday my brother Dennis turned 55. That means that me at 60, Dennis at 55, and David at 50 have all reached places in our lives we didn't think that we would reach. When you are a kid 60 seems impossible. We were taught all our lives that the Lord would come before the world reached the shape that it is in today and would all three probably never see those ages. But folks He hasn't returned yet for His bride, so here we are.

We are all three as different as night and day, with different opinions, thoughts, and fancies, I have always loved my music and playing and singing, while Dennis and David have loved hunting and outdoor life. We all three love playing ball with Dad or each other. In fact Dennis could have turned pro if he had wanted that lifestyle. I had a chance to just pursue music rather than ministry, while David decided that a career in medicine was where he needed to be after struggling with that decision for a long time.

Dennis at 55 and David at 50 seem rather strange to me. I still remember when they were born and also remember having to babysit as the older brother for both of them. I still remember the fights we had, the laughs we laughed, and the sorrows we shared. I remember our agreements and disagreements, our times of sharing, and our times of parting over the years over things good and bad. I still remember the shock we were all in when God took Dad home and the aftermath of dealing with that loss.

All and all I can say life has been good to us three. We have a great Mom who still watches over us, our families who we care deeply about, and our loved ones that we can depend on. It makes this life's journey better the older that we get.

So to my little brother, Happy Birthday and may God's richest blessings be upon you.

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