Welcome to the blog of Pastor Alton Stone, from Simpsonville, SC. Pastor Stone is a retired Ordained Bishop of The Church of God, Cleveland, Tennessee with over 45 years of pastoral ministry.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Let It Go

When you struggle with things in life you are often told to "Hold on." "Holding on" seems like the logical thing to do. Sometimes it just isn't possible. Sometimes it's just wrong. Sometimes we need to let go. 

Many people say, "I can't hold on any more. I need desperately to let go. I need to distance myself from things in the present and in particular things of the past." 

That's probably the hardest and toughest part. Letting go of things of the present is easier. They are happening now. You can influence or control the outcome. You can wake up today and say, "I'm going to stop smoking!" and actually begin. 
You can stand in front of a mirror and see things that can be changed today. Your weight, the way you dress, your hairstyle and your attitude. But letting go of the past, now that's a challenge. 

We carry with us way too many things of the past. We flash back in seconds to a memory we apparently can't let go of. At the same time it's a memory we can't do a thing about. It's done. It's over. We can't change it. We n
eed to let go. 

Perhaps you find yourself spending time thinking about the way things were. Maybe you are longing for the "good old days." 
You're holding onto pleasant memories, moments that made you who you are today. That's fine. It's a part of the fabric of you. 

Maybe you are holding on to things of the past that are not so pleasant. Things you did, said, had done to you and it is stealing away the precious time you have now. You are holding onto destructive things that you should let go of. 

You are not just holding on, you are holding yourself captive. 
Letting go of the rope would free your hands making them available to embrace someone, something more important. The fall won't kill you. It will heal you. 

Things of the present should be held onto unless they are out of your control and you have no influence over them. If you cannot change or influence it, then it is simply not worth worrying about. Let go. The only real thing you should hold onto is your faith and the love you give and the love you get.

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