Welcome to the blog of Pastor Alton Stone, from Simpsonville, SC. Pastor Stone is a retired Ordained Bishop of The Church of God, Cleveland, Tennessee with over 45 years of pastoral ministry.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Fall Of A Church

Have you ever wondered why people glory in the fall of a church? It beats me, but regardless of denomination if people get upset at the pastor, a church member, or a denomination they pack up their bags and leave the church. BUT, they really don't leave. Big church, little church, medium size church-it doesn't really matter-They just seem to glory in seeing the church they have left go through spiritual, financial, and emotional turmoil and then further it's demise by doing all they can outwardly to attack it just as they did inwardly while they were there.

I spoke with a pastor the other day who had gone to a new assignment. Because of the reputation of the church in the past I knew who the church bosses and been and how many family members they had involved in that church for years. They had left that church they had ruled under the administration of another pastor because he wouldn't let them, but had made it known that as soon as a new one came in they were returning to the church they had been members of for over 30 years. In fact, when the new pastor came in one of the first calls he received was from the patriarch of that family. He begin to voice his displeasure about the former pastor and was saying on the phone how he hoped this new one he was talking to was going to be a much better fit. The conversation was going well until my friend told him if you didn't like your former pastor you won't like me because I peach very similar to him. Well from that point on the conversation went downhill.

Long story short, they were still members of that church, but had been attending another one for over two years just waiting for the opportunity to see a change of pastor so they could go back and do what they had always done at the church they had never moved their membership from-complain, fuss, and complain some more. Yet while they were gone they never moved their membership, always knew church business sometimes even before the pastor, and always had something negative to say about the present pastor or someone in the congregation. I will tell you what I told someone the other day and I mean this sincerely, "If we can't get along with each other down here, one or neither of us will be together up there with the Lord."

Why would I say that? Because if we believe the Bible is true we have to love another to get there, and loving one another doesn't mean we gossip or LIE about our brethren down here. I have on membership our church over 600 people (Nope don't get paid on this amount) and most folks don't even know who half of them our. Some have left the church and are serving in leadership roles in other places and haven't been a part of my church for years, but never have transferred or removed their names from the membership roll. It's amazing to me how these folks always seem to know what is happening around my church and in my life before I do. They must have a direct connection with the other guy, and not God, because most of what I hear isn't even true. Yet, the damage control I've had to do in my ministry is absolutely crazy because of "Christians" who physically leave a church, but emotionally or spiritually still want to keep the pot stirring.

Can I just say this-When you leave a church leave it alone. You can pray for it, but don't try to destroy it. If you can't say something good about it, then say nothing at all. Oh yes, and make sure your facts are factual before you say anything. It would sure make my job and other pastors jobs a lot easier.  One more thing, if you leave a place transfer your membership and stop trying to have your name on two rolls. It should would stop membership inflation and would certainly help every church to have an accurate read on their constituency. One way we could do that is to have every church send the tithe and offering a person gives to the church they are attending while they are members of another church. Man, I guarantee that would keep our treasurers busy for awhile.

Too many of our pastors, their families, and churches are suffering because people want their cake and desire to eat it too. You can't serve God and mammon at the same time. Be honest with yourself. Keep your heart right with God and leave the church you left alone. If your heart is condemned because you left it, then return to it and make things right. You just might find out the truth you were searching for was right there all along.

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