Well, I feel like a kid again. Last night Hannah, Gracie, and I got to play Santa Claus to a 3 year old and a 5 year old. If you could have seen their eyes when we brought in their presents it would change your whole perspective about giving at Christmas time. I wanted to teach my grandgirls the joy of giving at Christmas and they gave up part of what I would have spent on them and helped me share Christmas with another family. I believe it was a lesson well learned that I myself will never forget and neither will they.
We came back home and opened gifts and my son had bought me a Playstation 3. I've always wanted one, but just never could find the extra money to get one. Well Santa Shane surprised me big time and I also got Madden Football with it so I am elated. Man, I feel like a kid again!
Then of course when the kids opeedn their presents and we start putting things together. Last night I flew a hovercraft, drove a car up and around a wall, had an ariel dog-fight with two jet planes, danced with Mickey Mouse, petted Go-Go, saw seven Princesses, and attended Monster High. Whew! Now we're getting ready to go to Shane's for the Christmas Morning Santa Blitz and festivities with family and friends all day.
One of the reasons I believe Christmas is for kids is because of the reason we celebrate the season. Don't just celebrate His birth today, but make up your mind to celebrate His life 365 days of the year. That will keep you young even when you get old and help you to enjoy the life God has blessed you with.
Merry Christmas everybody...I hope you feel like a kid today.
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