If a pastor:
-Expresses his feelings concerning a business matter, he's trying to get his way. If he sits silently and lets others speak on the matter, then he was dumb or had lost interest in the project.
-Is in his office preparing messages or studying, why doesn't he get out and learn what's going on with his people. Or if he was out visiting when someone called, why was he not tending to church business, or studying for a message?
-Wasn't at home at night, he's out having a good time with his family. If he was home resting, he's neglecting important outside contacts and activities of the church.
-Didn't agree with everything his members wanted to do, he was bullheaded. If he did agree, he didn't have any ideas of my own.
-Didn't do all that he was requested to do, he's a very poor pastor. If he did agree, well, that's what he was paid for.
-Gave someone a short answer, he was "too big for my britches." If he attempted to explain the pros and cons of an issue, he was a know-it-all.
-Was well dressed, he thought he was a big shot. If he wasn't, he was a poor representative of his position.
-Pastored a church for only a short time, he was inexperienced. If he'd been there a long time, it was time for a change.
Pastors are not perfect. We make errors, mistakes, and sometimes let our feelings interfere with our faith. But don't judge us on the fact that we are human beings subject to the same failures that you are subject too. We are not perfect, but we are trying our best to do what we can to make a difference. If you speak any kind of words, let them encouraging. If every pastor knew he had the backing of his church members things would be a lot different in every church. Pray for your pastor and love him/her. Don't speak ill of things you have no true knowledge of. You, he, and the church will be a lot better off!
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