We often look at people who seem so full of life, that are rich, powerful, successful, popular, and we think, "Wow, they must be so fulfilled with their lives." Then we're amazed when we hear of a multi-millionaire who commits suicide or a famous movie star/athlete who over-doses on drugs. This truly reveals the emptiness of being in that dark dungeon, where nothing in this life can truly satisfy the soul. You see Solomon in Ecclesiastes explain that everything in this world is vanity or as he says, “a chasing after the wind”. Some of our greatest and most loved professionals have succumbed to that spirit of failure.
The spirit of failure is a terrible weight to carry around in life. It cannot be removed by therapy, counseling, or any medication. Many people in this world are weighed down with failure. They feel bad about things they have done, wrongs that they have committed, and no amount of community service, good deeds or any other charitable giving will take away the gnawing in their conscience. The longer sin is carried the heavier the burden becomes and the darker the dungeon. The failures that people carry in their heart and mind can only be washed away by the blood. That's why the writer of Hebrews shouts gloriously to us through his writings in Hebrews 4:16:
“Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”
Jesus gives us abundance and He frees us from the spirit of failure. Sin separated us from God, but Jesus bridged the gap through the cross. We now have acceptance and even the boldness to approach God. It's because of Jesus we can learn how to dance in the dark dungeon we often feel trapped in.
-We dance because in spite of the darkness life brings us, we know where we are going, and who we are going with.
-We dance because we know in whom we have believed and are persuaded that He is able to do all things for us.
-We dance because we know God is not our enemy, but our Friend, Father, and Faithful provider.
-We dance because we know we don’t have to be looking around for answers, but just look up.
-We dance because we know we can sing in a prison, survive an earthquake, or walk through the fire if necessary.
-We dance because we know we are not abandoned in the darkness of the dungeon, but walk with victory through Jesus no matter where our journey takes us.
No matter how dark the dungeon gets, put on your dancing shoes. Your failures are behind you-breakthrough is about to happen in your life!
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