That's why I am thankful for the good church members that supported me in my ministry as a pastor. Without them I would have nothing today. They fed me, clothed me, and put a roof over my head. They loved me, prayed for me, and treated me with the utmost respect. There were at least 9 out of 10 everywhere I served that became like my family. They were good to me and my family. That's why I thank God for:
-Every widow who tithed faithfully.
-Every retired couple who gave above and beyond their means.
-Every Council Member who gave, not because they wanted position or power, but because they love the Lord.
-Every faithful person who supported our churches with the faithful giving and attendance, whose fellowship made it a joy to be their pastor.
Come to think about it, I also thank the ones who did not honor their membership vows or support the church as they should. They always expected more even they gave nothing. Membership to them meant entitlement without commitment. It was always, "the church owes me something", even though they barely darkened the door after they joined the church. To you who were non-faithful I owe a debt of gratitude because:
-It was you that constantly drove me to my knees in prayer.
-It was you that made me thank the Lord for all those who were faithful.
-It was you that made me never want to be a hypocrite or go back on my word.
So good or bad, church membership had an affect on me. It also has an affect on your pastor and your local church. Please don't tell people you are a member of that local church and you are not attending, supporting, or being faithful in your membership vows. If you are a faithful member then live right before your peers on your job, in your community, and in your city. Reflect the views of the one you represent and the church you are a part of. Just shine! Your light will identify which kind of church member you are-the one the pastor loves to see coming or the one that pastor loves to see going away.
Yes, we pastors are human just like you. We love and appreciate faithful members. We also love those who are unfaithful, but that's a love that is often made uncomfortable by the attitude of the unfaithful. Nobody, not even pastors, wants to be put in that position. Some good advice-Be the best church member you can. Respect her teachings and doctrines. Practice her disciplines. Love the pastor even if you don't agree on everything. Make every attempt to live at peace with those around you. If you have to take necessary measures, do so in the spirit of love and according to our Church Minutes, not your own rules. You will get the best pastors if you do this because your reputation as a church will be spread far and broad.
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