Welcome to the blog of Pastor Alton Stone, from Simpsonville, SC. Pastor Stone is a retired Ordained Bishop of The Church of God, Cleveland, Tennessee with over 45 years of pastoral ministry.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Your Heavenly Father

Most father's and mother's love their children very much and show their love for their children in many ways. For children that have been unappreciated or mistreated, these thoughts are a reminder that your Heavenly father loves all of His children, and wants to give you His very best.

-If your earthly father says, "You are nothing", your Heavenly Father says, "You are my beloved child." 

-If your earthly father says, "I'll give you the piano, if you learn how to play it", your Heavenly Father says, "Use your talents wisely." 

-If your earthly mother says, "Just wait until your father gets home", your Heavenly Father says, "Just wait until my Son takes you home." 

-If your earthly father says, "You will never amount to anything", your Heavenly Father says, "You will always be something special to me." 

-If your earthly father says, "Go stand in the corner", your Heavenly Father says, "Go into every corner of the world and tell about my Son." 

-If your earthly father says, "Clean up this mess", your Heavenly Father says, "If your life is a mess, I will clean it up for you." 

-If your earthly father says, "You will never do anything right", your Heavenly Father says, "I will make all things right." 

-If your earthly father says, "I am going to write you out of my will", your Heavenly Father says, "I will give you the kingdom." 

-If your earthly father says, "Go to bed without your supper", your Heavenly Father says, "My storehouses are full. Come and dine." 

-If your earthly father says, "Go away. Can't you see I'm busy?", your Heavenly Father says, "I'm available twenty-four hours a day." 

-If your earthly father says, "Why don't you grow up?", your Heavenly Father says, "Grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ." 

-If your earthly father says, "I hate you", your Heavenly Father says, "I love you so much. I gave my Son for you." 

-If your earthly father says, "I don't have time for you. I'm in a hurry", your Heavenly Father says, "Time means nothing to me. I have all the time you need." 

-If your earthly father says, "I am not going to hold you. You need to do something by yourself", your Heavenly Father says, "I will wrap my loving arms around you." 

-If your earthly father says, "Why don't you pick up your feet?", your Heavenly Father says, "I will walk with you and help you up when you fall." 

-If your earthly father says, "I don't love you anymore", your Heavenly Father says, "I love you with an everlasting love that will last throughout all eternity." 

-If your earthly father says, "You are no longer welcome in our home", your Heavenly Father says, "Heaven is your home. I have a mansion prepared for you."                                                                         

Think about it. It's great to have a Heavenly Father who loves us and cares about us.

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