Welcome to the blog of Pastor Alton Stone, from Simpsonville, SC. Pastor Stone is a retired Ordained Bishop of The Church of God, Cleveland, Tennessee with over 45 years of pastoral ministry.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Proverbs 22:28 "Remove not the ancient landmark, which thy fathers have set."

My beautiful wife had 2 brothers and a sister die several years before she was born. She is the last member of her family to survive. Both her parents and 4 siblings have all entered into eternity. Her oldest brother and sister only lived a few hours here on this earth. They never got to experience life as we know it because that time was not extended to them. Growing up on a mill village in the rural south did not always provide the best medical care 60 years ago and because of that many precious people perished before they ever got to start living.

We took flowers down to her families main cemetery plot yesterday in Dillon, SC. That's about 200 miles from where we are living now, and we do try to do this at least a couple of times a year to honor their memory. We both know that their spirit is with the Lord, but this is a tradition that many of us still do because of the love we have for our heritage and history.

Heritage in the south is still important. I hope it is important to everyone everywhere that reads this blog because if it isn't your family history will fade away.

Why is heritage some important?

-It reminds us of where we've come from and how far we have advanced in our lifetime.

-It prepares the generations that follow us with information that may help them avert a crisis or defeat a challenge because someone else in the family did.

-It helps us encourage and enlighten those we love about times of trouble, times of joy, and basic memories that uplift us or make us cry on certain occasions.

-It endues us with determination, a sense of destiny, and a promise of hope that each generation can plot their own course in life with some boundary-stones that point in the right direction.

Heritage is important to you, your family, your siblings, and to whatever generations God allows to follow you here on earth. So I encourage you. Set some boundary stones-some markers-for those generation to follow. You may never know how they complete their journey, but they will have fond memories of you because they know their heritage and that you finished well.

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