Welcome to the blog of Pastor Alton Stone, from Simpsonville, SC. Pastor Stone is a retired Ordained Bishop of The Church of God, Cleveland, Tennessee with over 45 years of pastoral ministry.

Monday, October 6, 2014


Most of the time we call frustration depression. It could turn into that at some point, if we're not careful, but today it’s frustration. Severe frustration. The kind that keeps you up at night. These problems are often more internal than external. Usually they are work-related, but they impact every other aspect of your life. They always do.

It may be a poor work environment, people mistreating you, or those you love forsaking or abandoning you. You are frustrated because you have given everything you know how to give, but nothing seems to matter or get better. You feel under-appreciated, under-utilized and unfulfilled and wonder if it will ever change.

Nothing you do or say makes things better. It’s a miserable life, and so far nothing has made a difference. And you're more miserable every day, ready to quit, but so far you have sensed no release from God from this position and have even wondered how long will this go on. So what do you do before the frustration becomes depression?

Personally, I don’t think God wants us to stay in situations like this. These times always serve a purpose in our life, but most of the time God releases us to pursue a healthier environment. Don’t confuse loyalty to a place with obedience to God. They aren’t always the same and it requires walking close enough to God to discern His will.

The truth is, we can’t control our environment. We can’t control other people and their reactions to us. We can only control how we respond to life. So how should we respond when we are frustrated?

-Pray. Two simple questions: "Have you prayed for God to change the circumstances or for Him to change you?" There’s a big difference in those two prayers.

-Remember the good times. Your life has been filled with seasons. Some good and some bad. Remember the good times when you're experiencing the bad and be encouraged looking back that better days are ahead again.

-Share your burdens. Don’t share with a motive to stir trouble, and don’t gossip, but be honest. The goal is to get the support of a listening ear you need.

-Renew your heart. Remind yourself of the vision to which you were called.  You were called to a Person, Jesus, who loves you and has invested everything in you. He has a plan for your life. Lean on Him again, and allow Him to restore your passion for Him that is bigger than the place where He has you now.

-Do the best work you can where ever you are called to be. You may not be able to impact every person you meet, but you can impact your life, even if it’s only by impacting the people within your sphere. You’ll need to find your fulfilment in smaller wins right now, but allow those moments in life to fuel you and keep you going.

-We learn most on the hardest days. Those aren’t necessarily helpful words to hear in times like this, but they are so incredibly true. If you learn things that make you better later, this won’t be a wasted period of your life, but may even prove to be a valuable period.

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