Welcome to the blog of Pastor Alton Stone, from Simpsonville, SC. Pastor Stone is a retired Ordained Bishop of The Church of God, Cleveland, Tennessee with over 45 years of pastoral ministry.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Are you a survivor or a reviver?

Are you a survivor or a reviver?

The American church has been in survival mode long enough. What do I mean by that?

-The majority of our growth comes from disenchanted members from other churches who have left other pastors and churches because of finding fault, impure living, or a spirit of control.

-We turn our heads away from sin because we need bodies in the seats and money in the plate. Numerical reports become more important than living and doing right according to the Word.

-We are more concerned about somebody sitting in our seat or on our pew than we are about welcoming in visitors who don't have a clue that you sit there.

-We only want the kind of people that will fit in with our group. The different people need to go down the street to that other church because they don't look like the people we need.

-The line, "I've been in this way a long time" actually becomes true in regards to reaching the lost and untouchable with the gospel. Standing in the way of spreading the gospel of truth will make every person think like a survivor.

-The pastor says we need people to give more, but my dollar stretches further than he thinks.

-God wants the pastor to be humble so we will keep Him poor.

-The "I've been here longer than dirt" mentality that becomes a stumbling block rather than a stepping stone because change causes too many to do differently for the betterment of the whole.

Too many men and women who believed in freedom faves their lives for this nation to fail. Too mant soldiers of the cross dis as well so the church could be preserved for the present, not pickled for th future. 

I am tired of just surviving. I want to see real revival again throughout this nation. On this 4th of July let's declare the glory of God anew and afresh and believe for revival throughout our churches. Get the churches revived and America will follow.

Let' believe for revival and not just survival.

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