Hebrews 13:8 "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever."
Malachi 3:6a "For I am the LORD, I change not..."
Anybody with any sense knows that God hasn't, doesn't, and will never change. He is GOD now and forevermore. I can't change Him and you can't change him because He is always the same. He is an ever present help in the time of trouble, a friend that sticketh closer than a brother, and a God whose ears are open to the crys of His people. Let's just face it He is Lord!
However times have changed people, the world, and even the church that we attend today. I told my congregation that at one time you could go into any Church of God and it would be about the same, especially in the South. We had the same service structure, the same service layout, and basically thought and did the same things. In some ways I wish we were still like that, but in other ways I see why many of are churches (including mine) are not growing as they should. The one thing we hate more than any other in the Church of God is CHANGE. CHANGE is the culprit that has done us more damage than any gossiper, adulterer, or thief could have ever done. CHANGE is the one thing nobody wants to see come into their church-except for the leadership who knows some things must change for the church to survive and grow.
Why do we hate CHANGE so much?
(1) Because we will have to do things that are out of our comfort zone.
(2) Because we will have to make sacrifices that require more of our time and effort.
(3) Because we like doing the same things, running the same programs (whether they are working or not), and following the same pattern because we've always done it this way.
(4) Because if it was good enough for Mom and Day it ought to suffice for us today.
Having served as a long term pastor at my previous church I understand the value of change. This may rattle a few folks around the country that read this, but as a boy growing up we used to let our churches vote every two-four years on a pastor. We either stayed or moved depending on that Pastor's Preference vote. I went to 9 different schools growing up. It was hard on us preacher's kids, but to be honest with you our churches statistically seemed to be much better with a consistent pattern of preachers staying or going rather because the church had expressed their opinion rather than just someone staying for an extended amount of time without a congregational expression.
After 11 years in Union I was beginning to question God on whether I should stay or move. Our town was not growing due to a poor economy so there were very few people moving into the area. I would gain some, but I buried more than I gained. I felt that God had one more task for me to do and that was to build a Family Life Center, which I did a year before I moved. I gave it one last big effort, but down deep in my heart I knew God was finished with me there. Was it hard to make a change at 56 years old after being in one place for 13 years? Absolutely! We had more outreach ministries going on there than any other place I have ever been. We were involved with the community, well known, and received by them as well. But I knew I needed a change and I guess down deep even the church knew as well. I can honestly say, it was hard to move, but in life change is inevitable. It's going to happen whether you want it or not, especially if you give the Lord any control over your life.
(Continued tomorrow)
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