(Part 3)
3:18-20 “I will gather those who sorrow over the appointed assembly, who are
among you, to whom its reproach
is a burden. Behold, at that
time I will deal with all who afflict you; I will save the lame, and gather
those who were driven out; I will appoint them for praise and fame in every
land where they were put to shame. At that time I will bring you back, even at
the time I gather you; for I will give you fame and praise among all the
peoples of the earth, when I return your captives before your eyes,” says the Lord.”
I read this correctly God will bring restoration, revival, and rejuvenation to
those who have been afflicted in some way. Whether it’s those who have suffered
for righteousness sake, those who are unable to fend for themselves, or those
who were cast out because of the storms they have gone through. God says He
will gather and save those that have walk thru adversity after adversity and
appoint them for praise and fame in every land where they were put to shame.
is not in the destruction business, but He thrives in the construction business.
He takes the tired, weary, distraught, and disillusioned and gives them a
turnaround. How many preachers, pastors, and teachers do you know that have
fallen and God has brought turnaround in their lives? How many friends,
co-workers, and family member lives that you thought were destined for failure
turnaround by the touch of God? God can take the things heaped on a junk pile
or thrown in the fire and change them into something good in an instant.
fame and praise God gives to those captives who are returned isn’t what the
world thinks it should be, but what God wants it to be. It’s a new beginning, a
new life, a new heart, and a new destiny that He wants to fulfill thru you.
When God makes changes they are usually for the good if not better. I believe
it’s His time to bring a turnaround in our lives if we will let Him. That storm
you’ve gone thru is about to end and the sun will begin to shine.
but not least God will deal with those that have afflicted you. It has always
been easy to say that their days coming, but sometimes it seems it never does.
Often it’s the pain of the captor or abuser that affects us for a lifetime.
Your heavenly Father says their time of judgment is coming. Their affliction on
you is going to be turned on them. Your turnaround begins when you let go of
the things that they did to you. That’s the first step out of your valley. Believe
me, if God says He will deal with them then He will. Don’t let their posture
keep you frozen in fear, but shout “Turnaround is mine today. God IS in
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