Welcome to the blog of Pastor Alton Stone, from Simpsonville, SC. Pastor Stone is a retired Ordained Bishop of The Church of God, Cleveland, Tennessee with over 45 years of pastoral ministry.

Monday, April 30, 2018

When Quitting Is An Option (Part 1)

When Quitting Is An Option (Part 1)

1 Corinthians 16:13 "Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong."

Quitting is usually thought of as a negative conclusion.  If someone quits it must be because they are weak or incapable, right?  Wrong!  Some of the most successful ministries were started by people who quit several times before they finally got it right.  Quitting allowed those ministers to avoid wasting time when the realization or hunch of a dead end drive became clear in their minds.  Their decision to quit the project that they felt wasn’t working gave them the groundwork to execute on the project that eventually led to success.  There is a big difference between quitting and giving up.  Every so often you should quit, but you should never give up.

There are times when you should be productive and there are times that you should be relaxed.  In my relatively short existence on this planet I have noticed a subtle truth about productivity and relaxation:  There are thousands of people who seem highly productive and thousands who seem outright relaxed to the point of no return, but I’ve only met a select few who successfully balance the two into a lifestyle that seems worthwhile.  It’s important to be productive, but it’s equally important to kick back and relax.  Happiness and success are found between the two extremes. Ministers need to remember the two lest they win the masses and lose their family.

I know, it’s important to plan for the future.  But you know what?  You are alive right now and time is slowly expiring from your overall life expectancy.  It’s okay to plan ahead, but not at the cost of continually ignoring the present moment.  When I was a kid I was always in a hurry to be somewhere else.  My dad used to tell me to “be here now”.  Over time I have come to appreciate the importance of his message. The memories of a man in his old age are the deeds of a man in his prime.  Make sure you don’t get so consumed with planning for the future that you forget about the life you a living right now. The ones you love will only be with you for a short while. Make a difference NOW while you can.

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