Peter had been fishing all night and had caught nothing, Jesus asked for the use of his boat to teach the crowds. Then He told Peter to launch into the deep and let down his nets. Even though Peter was reluctant because they had fished in vain all night and were tired, he did it anyway and God rewarded him for the use of his boat, by giving him two boatloads of fish. Christ is no man’s debtor.
There is also the story of Mary who poured the expensive, perfumed oil on Jesus feet. Jesus valued her precious act of worship and told the cynical disciples that this woman’s act of kindness and adoration would be remembered wherever the gospel was preached. He valued her sacrifice of love.
Christ never undervalues a kind word spoken, or underestimates a loving deed done in His name. He noticed the widow who gave two mites. He understands what giving costs.
He also takes notice of neglect in giving thanks to Him for benefits received, as in the case of the ten lepers who were healed and only one came back to give thanks. Jesus asked where the others were.
The value that Christ puts on our life never changes. He paid the ultimate price for us. He loved us so much that He paid the price (an unbelievable cruel death) to redeem us from the of sin and death.
Ephesians 1:18 says He considers us, “His own precious treasure.” God is the evaluator and places the highest value on who we are, what we do for Him, the time we spend for Him and what we give up for Him.
Do you realize how much He values you?
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