It was not too strange that the people of His own village did not accept Him, They knew Him so well that they didn’t know Him really at all. They said, “Anyone who grew up in our village and played with our children and worked in his father’s wood shop, can’t be all that wise or have power to work miracles.
Something is wrong here.
"He is a carpenter; we’ve known him for years.” Jesus Himself said that, “A prophet is not without honor except in his own country and among his own kin and in his own house” in Mark 6:5.
It is possible to know a multitude of facts about Jesus and miss the important fact of who He is and why He came. The result of their knowing Him too well was that He could do no mighty work there.
Unbelief is not a trivial weakness or a mild annoyance. It is powerful. Here it stayed the hand of God. Never underestimate the power of unbelief. Nothing can subdue it but faith in who Jesus really is and what He can really do.
There are many good people who have been through Sunday School lessons, listened to sermons and faithfully read through their Bible so many times. including preachers and other Christian workers, that they run the danger of becoming overfamiliar with the Sublime.
Our need in prayer today is to ask the Spirit of God to keep us from knowing more and more about Jesus and less and less about why He came, who He really is and how much He can really do for us and in us.
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