Life is well defined as a race. It calls for discipline and determination, and, above all, perseverance. We must be willing to lay aside every weight, and the sin that clings so closely. We must lay aside the garments that would hamper our progress and even cause us to stumble.
We must make any sacrifice that is necessary. If we think the race is important at all, it must become important above all. We who travel far must travel light, but not alone. Our inspiration comes from the heroes of the faith who went before us as the writer spoke of in Hebrews 11.
Their faith was tested and it did not fail. Above all, we are inspired by the examples of Jesus Christ. He is our example by His life, His willingness to serve in John 13, and His triumph over suffering as described in 1 Peter 2.
Jesus doesn’t tell us how to run the race, He shows us how. That is why we need to look to Him. He doesn’t tell us that we must be willing to serve others and take care of the humble necessities of life that others might be blessed. He shows us. Jesus doesn’t tell us that our love should suffer long and be kind. He shows us how, when reviled, not to revile again. He shows us how, when treated unjustly, we may rise above it all and continue to live for Him and with Him, having hearts that are filled with His love and guarded by His peace. He is saying, “You can do it.
You will be glad if you continue to run the race with patience, for you will finish the race with joy.” He even endured the Cross for the joy that was set before Him. “Look to me,” Jesus is saying, “I did it for you. Now you do it for me and for the others who may be ‘looking to you’ and will be affected by the way you run the race.”
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