I have been contemplating God’s grace toward you and me, and how we, in turn, can extend His grace to others.
We naturally do just the opposite in most cases. We see and tell people how they should change and improve, rather than encourage them in what they are doing right. How many of us are impatient with a clerk who is slow in serving us or easily point out faults in our spouse and children without acknowledging our own. Many slander their co-workers, pastors, and church leaders. How can we learn to become gracious like Jesus who is supposed to live in us?
Richard Blackaby wrote a book entitled, "Putting A Face On Grace." He shares the following ideas about becoming an extension of grace:
-Speak words intended to build up, not to bring down.
-Focus on the needs of others, rather than your own.
-Freely forgive.
-Swallow you pride and say, “I’m sorry,” and “I was wrong.”
-Live your life with a goal of “no regrets.”
-Don’t keep score of what is fair.
-Don’t condemn or give up on people.
-Emphasize mercy, not justice.
-Read 1 Corinthians 13 regularly.
Always keep in mind that it is God’s Spirit within us who will change us into becoming people who extend grace to others. World changers are not born that way, but they become them by being extenders of grace.
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