Welcome to the blog of Pastor Alton Stone, from Simpsonville, SC. Pastor Stone is a retired Ordained Bishop of The Church of God, Cleveland, Tennessee with over 45 years of pastoral ministry.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

We Are Heirs To The Kingdom Of Heaven

Galatians 4:7 "You are no longer a slave, but a son; and since you are a son, God has made you also an heir."

Before we gave our lives to Christ, we were slaves of sin.  We have gone from being slaves to being heirs.  Yes, being an heir means that “we are going to inherit something of value”.  If you ever start feeling depressed and downhearted because you are not very wealthy and loaded with material possessions, remember this: you are the richest person in the world.  You are an heir of God.  One day you are going to inherit the kingdom of God--which is heaven.

There was a woman who was confined to a wheelchair several years ago.  When her parents died, she was left to cope all alone.  She had no brothers, no sisters, and no living relatives.  She lived in a small, cramped apartment.  She earned money to pay her rent and buy scant supplies of food by knitting, even though it hurt her crippled hands and fingers terribly. For forty-two years she barely squeaked by.  One day, an elderly man, a friend of her parents, knocked on her door to say hello.  When he saw how she was living, he was appalled.  "Why are you living in such abject poverty?" he asked.  "Since my parents died, I've tried to support myself, but it's been difficult. "Don't you know about the fortune willed to you by your parents?"  In shock, she said, "What fortune?"  He went on to tell her of the hundreds of thousands of dollars her parents had left her in a trust account--enough to take care of her for the rest of her life. When the friend of the family began contacting the attorneys and the banks, he and they discovered that a terrible mistake had been made: she had never been notified of her great fortune. Over the past forty-two years, the trust had accumulated so much interest that its worth was now in the millions; but she had lived most of her life in poverty because she didn't know what was rightfully hers!

How many Christians live in defeat, spiritual poverty, and depression because they do not know the riches they have in Christ? As Christians, every day we should remind ourselves of who we are and what we possess.  We are "children of God."  We are free from "condemnation."  We are "heirs of the kingdom of heaven." 

How can we not live passionate spiritual lives after discovering these wonderful benefits we have as Christians? We should be so excited about who we are and what we have in Christ that we should be on fire for the Lord.  The first step to living passionate spiritual lives is for us to appreciate who we are and what we possess in Christ Jesus. We're a part of the family and heirs to His KIngdom!


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