2 Timothy 3:16, 17 "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works."
Is the Word of God true?
Well, the way we believe in the COG and I myself personally is, "Yes, the Word of God is true." Does it convict you? Yes. Does it instruct you? Yes. Does it make you think before you sin? Yes. Is it always politically correct? A resounding "No." Why is that? Because being politically correct now days means more than what it used to mean and often being so means you are direct conflict with the Bible.
Jesus said in Matthew 24: 10 "And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another." We are living in that hour right now. People are looking for something to be offended by. If a Christian has an opinion about something and states it they are considered a hate monger or worse, especially if they are of the church crowd that believes in the whole Bible. But if you are of any other persuasion you can say what you want to say, do what you want to do, live any way you want to live, and we better accept it or we're not really Christians. Sad isn't it.
So if I want to be politically correct I cannot preach the Bible as it is written. I must ignore my Christian heritage and the same heritage of my nation. I must make sure the names of any team, college or pro, is not offensive to any people groups. I must accept unnatural lifestyles as okay in the sight of man and God. I must make sure no symbol, phrase, or action troubles anyone not of my belief. If that's what I have to do to be politically correct, forget it.
-God's Word does convict us-sin is wrong no matter who does it.
-God's Word does not pass away-Jesus told us that.
-God's Word does not change-Defining words will improve our understanding, but no matter what translation it all means the same.
I will intentionally offend no one. I will not be a racist, bigot, or a troublemaker. I will honor my country and I will honor my flag, but I will not compromise the Word of God. If you are offended it will be because I preach the Word. Not my opinion, not what's always politically correct, but the Word of God. Too many it is truth, to others it's not. I can't make you believe it or live by. That's a decision you will have to make. All I know is we will all have to stand before God and give an account of ourselves. I hope to stand before Him and hear Him say, "Well done." To hear that I might not always be politically correct, but I hope I can be Biblically correct on that great Judgment Day.
So which is best to you?
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