Welcome to the blog of Pastor Alton Stone, from Simpsonville, SC. Pastor Stone is a retired Ordained Bishop of The Church of God, Cleveland, Tennessee with over 45 years of pastoral ministry.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Never Give Up

Giving up is not and never will be an option.
There are so many people in our lives who constantly support us through our ups and downs, believe in us sometimes more than we believe in ourselves, and deep in their hearts have hopes faith in our vision. They don’t believe in us just out of the love they have for us or because we are related to them either in the flesh or by the Spirit, but because they know us as we are. They know how strong we are and they are right there to back us up in case we fall down or mess up. You have the determination, willpower, strength, talent, and the unfathomable love and faith of people to go get your dreams,So what can possibly stop you from obtaining what you stand for?
Obstacles are temporary, yet achievement is permanent. So why give up? You can see a hundred reasons for why you should be chasing your dreams as against one reason for why You should give it up. You shouldn’t let the shadows of your hard times take over your willpower and strength.
I strongly believe that in life,we come through hard times so we learn to appreciate the good things in life more and to bask in the glory of victory even better. Barriers are made to see if anyone is strong enough to break through them and move forward. So on your way to success, if you come through barriers be the one who breaks them down because your dream could be on the other side.

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