We don’t like to focus on the devil. We don’t want to give him any glory. Yet, in failing to heed the warning of Scripture that the devil actually “prowls around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour” according to 1 Peter 5:8. We find ourselves consumed (devoured!) by all kinds of irritations in one another and in the church.
How the new programs run, personalities of the leaders, and worship styles often become the focus of a quarrel, nor people who “just don’t get it” spiritually the way we do, all begin to rob us of our joy and steal our effectiveness as a body of believers. And we are so often oblivious to what is really going on in the spiritual realm. Scripture says, “We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers…” in Ephesians 6:12. When in conflict with another believer, we need to ask ourselves the question, “Am I wrestling against flesh and blood?”
The answer in these situations is usually “yes.” And the solution is so simple we miss it. As Christians we are in a wrestling match. But our opponent is in the spiritual realm. His mandate is to “kill, steal and destroy” (John 10:10). Instead of recognizing that, we put on the gloves and begin to engage in battle with one another, leaving scratches and scars, bruises and bleeding that sometimes takes years to heal and always leaves a mark. And the trademark of love becomes so faint, onlookers can hardly see it.
Scripture tells us in 1Peter 5:8,9 to “be alert”, “resist the enemy” and to be on your guard and “stand against the schemes of the devil” In Ephesians 6:11. So when irritation strikes know immediately who your opponent is and know immediately he has schemes and plans in place that will at best steal from you and at worst destroy God’s people and their effectiveness.
Any pervasive, downward spiral needs to be called what it is, so be alert to the red flags. Our human nature wants to defend and justify ourselves. God knows the propensity of our hearts to go their own way. That is why He calls us to pray for our enemies in Matthew 5:44 and to do good to those who spitefully use us in Luke 6:27. Only the “God strength” in our lives, His strength invited in at our point of weakness and frustration, can remedy this battle that is fought in the heavenlies, yet lived out in our churches.
Ephesians 6:18. says, "Be alert and always keep on praying." When prayer is no longer the oxygen of our spiritual soul or the heartbeat of our church, our defense is down. Praying for those who hurt us becomes something we don’t even want to do. Neglect in prayer and in the spiritual training of the Word leaves us with open doors for the enemy to turn the wrestling match on one another. It is so subtle and we can feel so justified, but the loss in our own hearts and in the Kingdom is an unnecessary tragedy. The stealing and robbing is done long before we have even recognized the enemy was at the door. Knowing he is prowling the neighborhood keeps us in a proactive state and able to recognize and withstand his tactics.
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