Change is so hard that most of us avoid it at all costs. But by avoiding change, we create even bigger problems, such as lost opportunities, broken relationships, or sometimes a wasted life. Millions of people who need to change are drifting along with no real purpose, no joy, feeling as if they're traveling a dead end street. Each time we need to make a change, fear attacks because we don't know what is coming. Like most people, we like predictability and thrive on sureness. Change means stepping into the unknown and losing your comfortable routine, and that creates fear.
Sometimes we even have to give up control and that's frightening as well. Sure, you prepare as well as you can, but you can't run everything. Change involves so many factors that you just can't manipulate all of them. When you're not in control, you lose your sense of invulnerability. You quickly realize you're not as powerful as you thought. That bravery you put so much pride in seems to evaporate when you realize you're not the one in charge any more. Family members and friends can help you change, but they have their own lives to lead and their own priorities. They can't do everything for you. Most of the time they're struggling so much in their own lives that they can't give you all the support you'd like.
God supplies everything you need for successful change, and when you make changes with his help, you stay changed. The unknown can overwhelm you, but God is omniscient, which means he knows all things, including the future. He can prepare you for the future in ways you can't prepare yourself, and he works all things for the good of his followers. God is the guide who is never surprised.
God is in control as well. The being who created the vast universe and keeps it operating in perfect harmony is also a personal God who intervenes in people's lives. He exercises his control to keep those who obey him in his will. When you feel weak in the face of change, God is omnipotent, or all-powerful. Knowing the invincible God is on your side gives you tremendous confidence.
The most important attribute God brings when you're making a change is his unconditional love for you. Unlike that of family and friends, his love never wavers. He wants only the best for you, and when change makes you suffer, as it often does, he stands closest to you, giving comfort and strength. Sometimes his love is the only thing that gets you through.
Change is very hard, but God sure does make it easier.
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