Ready for more joy and a greater sense of well-being and fulfillment? Follow the ideas below.
-Simply notice that you are in the midst of change and that change is a part of you.
This might seem like a no-brainer, but it takes some practice to become aware of change instead of subconsciously denying it. Don't try to run and hide. If you have a journal, write about changes you notice.
-Face your feelings about the change, especially when the change is imposed and beyond your control.
Get past "Why me?" "But I don't want to!" and "It isn't fair!" Figure out what your fears or worries are. That takes work. You don't have to be a victim, even when you are not in control of the change. Write about your feelings.
-Figure out when to accept and when to reject the change.
Have you heard the serenity prayer? Reflect on what you are accepting, what you are rejecting, and what you are doing something about. You will be amazed at how effective your choices are.
-Adopt an attitude of anticipation, and be grateful.
Welcome change as an opportunity. Find the benefit somewhere in the change. There is always a benefit and an opportunity. Start by keeping a written record for 3 days. Every day, note 3 things, large or small, that you are grateful for. You will notice a more powerful attitude of anticipation growing (hey! that might be a nice change!).
-Choose your thoughts and attitudes about each change.Negative thoughts block your creativity and problem-solving abilities.
Positive thoughts build bridges to possibilities and opportunities. Keep a record of the choices you make in your thoughts and attitudes.
-Learn to relax (more).
Deep breathing works for many people. Exercise helps most of us to relax. Choose the way that works best for you. Relaxation allows you to deal well with change.
-Set smart goals so you can consciously guide the change.
Smart goal setting helps you decide how to make the change happen and to recognize your successes. Write out your goals and your plans to meet them.
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