Becky and I had been married for 7 years when Shane came along. My dad was so proud of him that he was walking up and down the hallways at the hospital in Shelby telling everyone about His grandson. It was almost 9 days before I got to hold him due to an infection he had. What a bundle of joy he was.
I have many fond memories of his childhood watching him grow into the man he is today and I am very proud to say that he is my son. If I have any regrets in life it is that I did not spend as much time with him as I would have liked due to the demands of the ministry as he was growing up. It's those things that can really cause a preachers kid to either turn out good or bad.
You see they see both the good and the bad things that happen to a pastor and they also feel the blunt of them. I'll never forget the time that we had a boys group at church that did stuff that we as a family didn't like to do. My idea of camping is to stay in a motel. He begged me to not have to go into that group, and finally I relented because I saw how much it was affecting him. There were a lot of things that bugged him growing up, but he never rebelled against his mom and me. He was a fine young man and I appreciate his efforts to honor his parents as he was growing up.
He is still assisting us in a lot of ways. He tried his best in ministry to do what God wanted and seemingly things never did work out as he planned, but he has been an encourager to us in our ministry even to this day. I am very proud of him as a man of God, a husband, and a father to my three grands.
He's just one more reason why I am blessed today.
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