I have been at my post of duty at DCOG for almost 20 months now. I have some great people that I serve that have a vision for what our church can be. I have others, just like every church does, that are completely happy with the way things are. Sometimes the vision for the church that God gives you does not always match what some want in the congregation. That's when the enemy comes in seeking to destroy and tear down.
For weeks I sought the Lord over what to do. My Wednesday and Sunday night crowds were less than a 1/3 of what I was having on Sunday morning. It was so frustrating to have a Word from the Lord for the church on Sunday night and only a handful be there to receive it. Sadly, I could not preach as I felt God wanted me to do because many times the folks that needed to hear the Word were not there in the service. So I would leave broken-hearted and depressed feeling that somehow I had missed the mark by not reaching the whole church with the Word.
Now I am a churchy person. I was raised you don't miss a service and until 911 never, ever called off a service even on Homecoming night. But the Lord begin to speak to me about maximizing the time on Sunday night into a time of prayer for our church to reach our community with the gospel.
I only have 3 families that live within a mile of our church. The majority of our folks drive 8-15 miles minimum to church. Some even longer than that that come on a regular basis. I knew if I couldn't get them to come for a regular service, how in the world was I going to get them to come for pray?
So when the Lord laid this burden on my heart, I sought Him for direction and I decided to put my church family on an honor system with God. I asked them to stop whatever they were doing between 6-7 p.m. at home and take that time to pray for our church. I didn't want to be upset by having only a few come to the church building and pray for a short time. So I believe that the Lord laid this on my heart for a few weeks to take this time to pray for our church and not just have a regular worship service.
I was asked, "Aren't you afraid they will go somewhere else if you don't have Sunday night service?" My replay to that is very simple-If DCOG is your church you will seek the Lord for her to be a light to this community and to you and not be searching for another church. I believe the majority of the people will heed the call of the Lord placed on me and do what I believe the Lord has asked us to do pray.
Prayer is still the key to an old-fashion move of God in a new-fangled day. Prayer can still move mountains and bridge valley after valley. Prayer is still the key that unlocks heaven for the believer and brings conviction upon the sinner.
So when you pray, please pray for me and for my church. I want to be and to do what God wants more today than ever before. I can only do that through the power of prayer.
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