Amos 1:2 "And he said: “The Lord roars from Zion, and utters His voice from Jerusalem; the pastures of the shepherds mourn, and the top of Carmel withers.”
Amos brings a message of judgment. The first two chapters of Amos describe the judgment of the Lord, first against Gentile nations then against Judah and Israel.
Israel in direct disobedience to God established rival centers of worship in Dan, Bethel, and Gilgal. When Amos says that the Lord speaks from Jerusalem, he reminds all of Israel where the center of true worship is.
Since Amos was a shepherd himself (Amos 7:14) he knew how the judgment of God could effect the land. If God withheld rain, sent plagues, or allowed conquering armies to come upon the land, it made the pastures of the shepherds mourn.
Carmel was a prominent mountain in the north of Israel, the site of Elijah’s dramatic confrontation with the prophets of Baal (1 Kings 18:19-40). Since Elijah served before the time of Amos, it may be that Amos is reminding Israel of this victory of the Lord God over idolatry.
Over the next few days I will share with you what the judgments were against the Gentile and Jewish nations. I think that you will see the comparison to what has happened to us here in America since God Jehovah has been replaced by many other gods in the mindset of America.
You have to be specific today about which god you worship because so many are honored an revered in our land today. From the ancient religions of Europe to the modern self deity teachings of today many have lost persepctive of the one true God. However, I believe He is about to make His presence known again throughout our land.
I for one would rather have His mercy than His wrath. I hope that's your desire as well.
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