9 years and 361 one days ago the parents of 1,300 plus children went to work, shop, or do business in the area of the World Trade Center. I've wondered how many of them hugged their babies, kissed their companion, patted their dogs' head, or looked up and thanked the Lord for His blessings on them that day? Or how many took the time just to appreciate all that the Lord had given to them?
Little did any of them know that in 5 days they would not return home or that their children would have to grow up in the world without their guidance and presence. September 11th changed the lives of at least 1,300 children whose moms, dads, or both never came home from work or play that day.
We get so busy in doing our business each and every day that sometimes we forget the small things God has blessed us with. Like the touch of our wifes' or husbands' hand as we walk out the door or the smile of our children as they tell us goodbye or throw us a kiss. It's those simple things in life that make living worthwhile and yet we often take for granted. But I think it's time to reflect on what was lost on 911 and remember how precious our time and gifts are that God has given us today.
So here are some suggestions:
-Thank God everyday for life in general. It may not be the best or what you dreamed off, but it is precious and you don't need to forget that.
-Kiss your wife/husband goodbye everytime before you leave your house. Only God knows what the future holds so don't let an argument or something stupid stop you from telling your loved one how much you care and showing your affection for them.
-Hug your kids and remind them that regardless of where they are in life you will always love them and ge with them. My dad did this for me as a child and even those he's been with Jesus for the past 24 years there's a part of him that lingers with me. I just know he's always here.
So dear friend-hug your babies today and everyday that you get the chance. Life is to short to take for granted what God has blessed you with.
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