I cannot remember the times I have heard people say that they wished they would have said something earlier to a loved that passed away unexpectedly. They live with a constant gnawing inside them of regret for their failure to express themselves when they had the chance. How sad it is to miss out on an opportunity to express your love or compassion for someone that you care for and let it go unsaid.
The Bible tells us that life "is like a vapor; it appears for a little while and then vanishes away." How true that statement is! I have expressed all week long the regrets that many have shared do to the tragedy that we endured on September 11, 2001. The hundreds of people who saw loved ones perish and never got the chance to say what they really wanted to say to them before death came calling.
So here's so good advice:
-Don't wait until it's too late to express your true feelings. Say what you need to every day and you'll never live with regret.
-Take every advantage to let your companion, children, grandchildren, etc. know that you love them and that they will be with you always in your thoughts and prayers.
-Take time to live. Don't get put under so much pressure that life passes you by. Believe me as a pastor the worst regret I have is that I didn't take more time with my family as a younger preacher because I was so tied to the church. Take time for what is really important while you have the chance.
Life is filled with highs and lows and ups and dows, but we can make the right choices that will help us to never live with regret. I think it's about time we do so in America today.
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