Blocking Your Blessing (Part 2)
Matthew 16:24-25 “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it.”
Matthew 16:24-25 “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it.”
Satan will fill your head with the above excuses to keep you from living an obedient lifestyle and receiving the Lord’s blessings in your life. These are the excuses of a person who is unwilling to stop living for himself/herself in order to live for the Lord.
When you choose to live your way instead of God’s way, you are robbing yourself of God’s blessings. Living in sin and living in disobedience are closely related, but on a different level. To live in sin is to be disobedient to God’s Word; but one can be disobedient while not sinning.
Can you still receive God’s blessings if you’re living a half-obedient life?
Yes you can, but you are missing out on so much more when you choose disobedience, such as a close and intimate relationship with your Creator! If you think God is going to move you into your purpose while you’re living in sin, then you need to know that is not how God operates. God does not bless sin!
When you choose to stop giving in to worldly temptations, when you stop participating in worldly lusts, and instead choose to be obedient to God’s Word, your whole world will change! Opportunity will come your way. Doors will start opening. Favor will rain down on you like you’ve never experienced before. That’s God moving you to the next level!
Drunkenness, drug abuse, fornication, adultery, hatefulness, cursing, cheating, lying and such like are repeated behaviors that rob you from experiencing God’s blessings in your life. They are the barrier between you and your God-given purpose.
Repeated sin will always knock you down. It’s destructive in every area of your life because it gives the devil a foothold. When you make a choice to ignore God’s Word in order to live in sin you will not receive the blessed life God has waiting for you. We all trip up and stumble occasionally. I know I do! It’s to be expected. I’m not writing this in order to shame anyone. I’m writing this because God put it on my heart to stress the importance of obeying His commandments. He wants you to experience Him in His entirety, but far too often we have a habit of allowing disobedience to separate us from His love.
This pains Him because He longs for us to live in His presence, experiencing all that He has for us. If you want a powerful prayer life, obedience to God’s Word is key!
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