Where you are and what you’re doing at any given moment is absolutely essential because it is the only moment guaranteed to you.
-You are not on your way somewhere else.
-You are not progressing to a more important time or place.
-The present is not just a stepping-stone-it is the ultimate destination toward your last hour.
This moment is where your greatest opportunity lies.This moment is your life! It might seem obvious, but, again, we forget. We all do, far more often than we’d like to admit.
All day, every day, many of us feel like the present isn’t enough. We feel like our life simply isn’t worthy of our full presence. Because of this, we miss out on so much of life’s beauty and precious moments.
But what if we did the opposite? What if we accepted this moment, and everything and everyone in it as exactly enough?
What if we accepted the “bad” with the good, the letdowns with the lessons, the annoying with the interesting, the anxiety with the opportunity, as part of a package deal that this moment alone is offering us? What if we paused right now, and saw everything with perfect clarity?
Keep thinking about it…
-Would we live more meaningful and memorable lives?
-Would we have more beautiful stories to cherish and share?
I think we would.
So I think now is the best time to pay attention. Now is the best time to look around at your blessings of health, home, family, friends, work, and your momentary opportunities. Don't let this hour pass you by!
Now is the best time to notice the little fairy tales in your life and see what we’ve been missing all along. They won't always be there so take advantage of them today.
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