Welcome to the blog of Pastor Alton Stone, from Simpsonville, SC. Pastor Stone is a retired Ordained Bishop of The Church of God, Cleveland, Tennessee with over 45 years of pastoral ministry.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Postive People (Part 1)

People who carry a positive outlook are healthier and more productive than their negative peers. They catch fewer colds, deal better with life’s daily struggles, and may even live longer thanks to reduced levels of stress. Being positive is not an inborn trait bestowed on a lucky few, but it’s a skill that can be learned. 

Most people get irritated by those who seem “too positive,” but this is usually an unfortunate misinterpretation of the difference between a positive person and an idealist.
A positive person is neither naive, nor in denial, nor blind to the realities of life. They just believe in the complete usage of all available options, no matter how narrow the supply.  As a result, positive people can see the bigger picture.  They can more accurately visualize and manage the present possibilities.  In other words, a positive person is simply a realist about what can be more than what could be.

An idealist focuses only on the absolute best perspectives of situations and ignores the negatives in total denial to reality. A pessimist sees no possibilities at all, while a positive person endeavors to see all the possibilities so they can find the best possible option among them.
As a child, you inspired yourself on a daily basis.  You ran, jumped, swung, sang and danced openly without a care in the world, and without worrying about what everyone else thought of you.  You didn’t need anyone else’s constant approval, because deep down you knew you were amazing.

As you grew into adulthood, the pressure from peers, media and society as a whole began to wear on you.  You started comparing yourself to everyone around you.  You judged and measured your body, your lifestyle, your career, and your relationships against other people’s lives.  When you realized that many of these people have things that you do not, bitterness set in and you gradually stopped appreciating all the great things you do have in your life.
Positive people defend themselves against this self-dislike in two ways. 
-They get back to trusting their own intuition when it comes to their daily activities.  They stop asking for everyone else’s approval and simply do what they know in their heart feels right. 
-They don’t judge themselves against a set of unrealistic, third party ideals. They let go of the thoughts and instead hold on to the belief that they are always good enough just the way they are, even as they grow into a stronger, wiser version of themselves.

God made you special and don't forget that one fact. If you become what He desires you've accomplished a whole lot.

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