Every young pastor should find themselves a mentor that can advise them, council them, and instruct them on how to handle various situations. Those gentlemen may not pastor the largest churches, but they have volumes of wisdom on how to deal with things past, present, and future. If you have their guidance and information it could prove invaluable in the long run.
It's good to know that you're not the only one to ever face the challenge appearing at your door. It's also comforting to know how someone overcame those very same obstacles you're dealing with. The experiences of a mentor can help you defeat various challenges that make you uncomfortable or uneasy. They can also help you make it though the aftermath of a critical decision, good or bad. That's why sometimes it's good to step into another person's shoes.
The struggles and challenges of todays pastors is much different yet the same as it was in my grandfather's day. I've often said it would be hard for my dad to accept what some of our church situations have become today because of poor decisions and management. Always be reminded that you're only the best pastor in many cases after you've moved on. That's why it's good to have someone else's opinion and input when you are struggling with a situation.They've been there before, so take advantage of it. Put on their shoes for a little while and see where they take you. You might just be surprised!
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