After I read these verses, I began to think about the reasons for salt being good thing.
-Salt enhances the flavor of food,
-Salt is used to preserve meat.
-Salt is used to thaw ice.
-Salt is a water softener.
Because Jesus said, we are the salt of the earth, how are we then, as His followers salting the world around us?
-We enhance our surroundings.
Our behavior is based on the Biblical values ofintegrity, truthfulness, peace, joy and love. We dress modestly to set a standard. That standard carries much more influence over our testimony than we realize.
-We preserve by being there to help neighbors, co-workers and family when they need someone to comfort them.
We are like a healing ointment. We share the gospel with them so they can choose to know the power of Christ within them. Those in trouble, those in need, and those who are discouraged know who to call on when they need help the most.
-We melt icy relationships by being kind and loving to those around us even when they are cold to us.
In time they will melt. Love never fails. It's kind, patient, longsuffering, and always bigger than the giants of hatred. Even when we are rejected, it's love that can turn the corner in that situation.
-We soften the world around us by smiling and being gentle and kind.
We make an effort to be friendly to all people regardless of their race, religion, color, or lifestyle. We help those in need. Kindness shown will be kindness known by the giver and partaker.
So, let me ask you, are you still a salty Christian? Or have you lost it? You can become a salty Christian again by repenting and asking the Lord to be in control of your life once again. He produces salt in our lives.
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